• 𝑫𝒐 𝑰 𝑲𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒀𝒐𝒖 •

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"Do I know you?"

  There was a beat of awkward silence in which I was standing there like an idiot. I hadn't been expecting him to say that. Of course I had no idea what I was expecting him to say really. In all honesty it made sense, a strange foreign girl comes to your door and asks for you by name. What would you say?

   "I should think not," I chuckled nervously, "I'm new. Well I'm not new but I'm kind of new, but... not really?"

   Yeah I need to work on that. Great first impression, Legacy. He laughed a little and replied, "I can tell. Are you coming to school in the UK this year?" he questioned.

   "Yes, I'm staying with a family friend a few houses down until the start of term. Mrs. Figg? She said I needed to go and meet more people my age and told me there was a boy at Number 4 named Harry that I had a lot in common with."

"Well that's me, how about we take a walk and I can tell you what to expect in England, yeah?" he offered.

   I obliged so we started off on a stroll down the street. We exchanged pleasantries, which was then followed by silence. It was a good minute or two before either of us spoke. Perhaps he was wondering how the hell Mrs. Figg knew we had anything in common. If we're being completely honest I was wondering the same thing. Finally he spoke up, and started to ask the questions I knew were on their way.

   "So, um, why did you decide to come to school in England this year?"

  "Well actually, I've been homeschooled my whole life. My mother always thought I'd get a better education that way even though I've always wanted to attend school with other kids. This year since I'm turning 16, she's allowing me to go, but she wanted me to go to the same school she did as a girl."

   "And what school is that?"

Crap. Was this kid a wizard? I don't know what else we'd have in common besides our hair color. Its best to play it safe just in case he was a muggle and didn't know what the hell Hogwarts is.

   "St. Catherine's School for Girls," I said trying not to sound like I was lying, "Mama loved it there."

I saw his face falter a little. Like he was, disappointed? Maybe he was a wizard. I'd rather not take any chances though. If I see him at Hogwarts I'll explain it to him then. By now we had left the street and passed a dirt road, and were now walking under a bridge. It was very dark, wet, and creepy. In the far distance past a corn field however, you could see a little playground with a merry-go-round and a swingset.

  "Ah, that's disappointing," he halfheartedly replied, "but its not like we'd be going to the same school anyway, I'm going to St. Brutus's Boys Academy. I guess we don't have that in common." He laughed and I did the same.

  I decided to ask some bigger questions to figure out what I have in common with this boy, because so far I think Mrs. Figg is off her rocker.

  "So are you staying with the Dursleys until school or do you live with them? What about your parents?" I saw Harry's face fall almost instantly and you could tell the mood of the conversation is much darker now.

Ah, there it is.

  "No, unfortunately I live there. My parents died when I was a baby. The Dursleys are my aunt and uncle, and my cousin. I never really knew my parents, but I still miss them every day."

  "I'm the same way. Well, not really but kin-"

Stop it Parker. Not the time. Back on subject. Dead parents.

 I took a deep breath and started over. "I never knew my parents either. I don't even know who they are."

  "But you said your mothe- I cut him off. Not rudely, but firmly.

  "She adopted me when I was 4." I could see it click in his mind that we both, in fact, were orphans.

  "I see. I'm sorry." he said awkwardly.

  "I am as well." I countered just as awkwardly.

After a few beats of silence contemplating how to roll over that conversation, Harry cleared his throat.

  "Well enough of that then, tell me more about yourself." he said way too cheerily.

  "Are you suggesting 20 questions, Potter?" I said, narrowing my eyes playfuly. He returned the gesture and matched my energy by narrowing his eyes right back at me.

  "Bring it, Parker."

  After about 10 minutes of playing the childish game and getting to know each other, a group of five teenage boys approached us. By the unpleasant recognition in Harry's eyes I could tell he knew the even more unpleasant looking boy, who seemed to be the ringleader of the bunch.

'Duddy-kins' I presume.

  "Hey Big D, beat up another 10 year old?"

   Duddy-kins? Big D? What the hell is this kids actual name and why do the Dursleys hate him?

  "This one deserved it." he sneered. Though the taunt was more of a condescending mumble due to his accent, and the fact that he refused to move his mouth very far when he talked. A chorus of 'Yeah' was heard from his gang.

  "Five against one? Very brave." Harry smarted in retaliation.

  " Well you're one to talk..." I sort of zoned out their taunts, knowing it would only piss me off.

  I only caught his mentioning someone named Cedric, something I'd have to ask Harry about later. However I was harshly brought back to reality when I heard Duddy-dipshit mention Harry's mother.

   "Where is your mum? Where is your mum, Potter?"

My blood began to boil as I contemplated reaching for my wand, but I decided against it.

   "She dead?"

 I swear to god.

  "Is she dead?!"

 One more word. One more.


   I saw absolute red and at the exact same moment, Harry and I leapt from our seats. My hand flew up and wrapped around my wand, making my hair fall down my back. I pressed it to his neck and, to my utter shock, another wand was next to mine.

  My head snapped to Harry only to find him already looking at me. The same expression written across both our faces. Anger, at the boy. Confusion, at each other. Shock, we were both holding wands in our hands.

  A crack of thunder brought us back to reality as we looked to the sky, seeing that the once clear sky was now dark and stormy. The group of assholes looked to us in fear as the Dursley boy asked what we had done.

  The wind began whip at our faces and rain started to beat on us and at this point, all of us were hauling ass back down the dirt road.

  "St. Cathrine's, then?!" I heard Harry shout jokingly over the storm as we were still running.

  "Oh yeah, what about St. Brutus!?" I retorted, even though I had to take a few breaths in between my taunt.

Damn, I'm not in shape enough to run for my life.

  We, along with Dursley, stopped under the bridge, leaning against the damp walls to catch our breaths. Suddenly, everything went deathly cold as a dark, cloaked figure flew into view.

Oh, shit.


I don't really have anything to update about right now with the story just starting but I wanted to say I love you all♥


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