• 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑶𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒌 •

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As Harry lay awake in his bed and I on the floor, yeah we had that argument and I wasn't kicking the boy out of his own bed. We heard clanking and clattering down stairs.

Harry reached for his glasses, both of us at this point thinking it was just the Dursleys. Until the door handle started to rattle. Yeah, not the Dursleys. We both reached for our wands and stood, ready for what was behind the door.

I heard a whisper of, "How clean, these muggles."

Followed by a, "Tonks, for god's sake."

I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light of an illuminated wand, the holder of which being a rather pretty purple haired woman. A scary-looking man with a fake eye stood behind her. A warm expression overtook Harry's face as he looked at the scary one.

"Professor Moody, what are you doing here? he asked the man who promptly replied

"Rescuing you two of course."

On our way out of the house I learned that we haven't been expelled yet, which was a great comfort. What was not however, was the broom ride to wherever the hell we were going. Since I had never actually ridden a broom in the streets of New York, I rode with the pretty woman whose name was Nymphadora Tonks. She was very adamant on being called Tonks though.

As I cluched onto Tonks' abdomen for dear sweet life, zooming through the streets of London, I almost hurled as we jolted to a stop in front of an apartment building.

Jesus, these bitches are going to kill me.

I jumped off the broom, very thankful to be on solid ground, but I had to take a hot second to compose myself. Then the building extended. The. Building. Extended. Everything shook as if a great earthquake had struck only one building and nobody seemed to notice.

Harry and I walked in first, more like Moody pushed us in first. Only to pass by us and into a large room, leaving just us in the hallway again. We started down it, following the others.

Walking down the hall I looked around and found that the vibe of the place was very beautiful. Old, elegant, wealthy, extremely me. I almost walked straight into Harry if I hadn't zoned back in at the last second.

He stopped and looked into the room, specifically at two men at the head of the table, until a short, plump, very sweet looking red-headed woman closed the door and greeted us. Harry addressed her as 'Mrs. Weasley' and they embraced tightly. She was very clearly a mother figure to him. She turned to me and before I could introduce myself or even know what was going on, she wrapped me in a hug as well.

"Hello dear! I'm Mrs. Weasley, its lovely to meet you.

Mrs. Weasley had one hand on my shoulder and the other on Harry's, studying us as if to make sure we were alright.

"Now I know you two have been through quite a bit, but I'm afraid dinner will have to wait." Harry started to protest but she firmly yet gently ushered us upstairs.

We started to climb the stairs, passing a painting of an old woman who was screaming obscenities about filthy mudbloods and blood traitors. I could have swore that when I passed her she said something about 'disgusting half-breeds' and my stomach dropped to my toes. Thankfully Harry didn't hear it though, so I said nothing and followed him.

As we were climbing the many stairs, I passed a corner that served as a turning point in the staircase and at that moment, a painting on the wall caught my eye. I stopped, and Harry must have noticed because he stopped on the stairs and turned to me.

"Everything alright, Legacy? he question, looking a bit concerned.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course. I just wanted to look at this. You can go on I'll catch up in a minute." I assured him.

Harry shrugged and continued trudging up the stairs as I turned back to the portrait. In it stood a young boy with black hair and a flirtatious yet witty smile. It was the exact same boy in the picture with my Mother and Mrs. Figg. What the hell?

In that moment, out of the corner of my vision, I saw movement coming down the stairs and turned to see a house elf staring back at me. I know how house elves are usually treated, so I decided to give him a warm smile in hopes of being kind to him. He however, had no interest in being kind in return when he shouted, and lunged at me.

I let out a fairly loud yelp as he tackled me to the floor and stood on top of me. House elves are generally not that big, but neither am I at about 5'6, so it wasn't hard for the creature to pin me down using magic. He stared jumping up and down on my stomach which knocked the wind out of me. He grabbed at my long hair, pulling and twisting in all the ways he knew would hurt the most.

How I was able to get out a word or a scream with him jumping on me, yelling about filthy scum in the household, I have no idea. But I did. I screamed as loud as I possibly could. I yelled for Harry, or someone, but I yelled.

Thundering feet came down the staircase as multiple people came rushing to try and help me. Harry and several red-headed boys tried yelling at the house elf and a brown haired girl even tried to physically pull him off, but it was all in vain. He kept hitting and pulling and jumping, and I kept screaming and trying to get up. It was absolutely agonizing. The feeling of being glued to the floor, unable to do anything but lay there and scream for someone to relive the pain this creature was inflicting for no reason was unbearable.

Harry suddenly darted down the stairs toward the meeting and I could hear the doors fly open and Harry yelling something. Followed by what sounded like a thousand people all moving at once toward us like a heard of elephants.

When they finally reached us, I heard a commanding voice tell the house elf to stop. How the elf could hear the man over my own screams and coughs was beyond me but to my great reprieve, he stopped, it was over. I could move and I shot up and into the corner with tears streaming down my face. I was surrounded by people and I was not okay.

A man with dark hair and very tired eyes, the same one who had called off the elf, told the crowd to go back to the meeting room. He slowly inched toward me, speaking in a soft voice as if I was porcelain doll that would shatter if the wrong thing was said.

"Hey. Look at me. You're alright, its over. Breathe. Take a deep breath, with me. In. Out." By now I had calmed and stood up. I was no longer crying but I'm sure I looked like a trainwreck. The only people that remained were the man that helped me, another with light brown hair and many scars on his face, and Harry.

"Are you okay, Legacy? Harry implored, clearly walking on eggshells.

"No, but I will be." I assured watching a smile cross all their faces.

"Quick question," I turned to the man that called off the house elf, "what the fuck was that?

He barked out a laugh and I could see youth in his features that made it click in my mind. The boy in the picture. I looked to the other man and saw the same thing. He was in it too.

"I'm sorry for asking this but, you both were in a photograph in Mrs. Figgs house and she said you were her freinds at Hogwarts. May I ask your names? His smile faltered but returned slightly when I mentioned Mrs. Figg.

"Arabella? Sure we were friends back in the day. My name is Sirius Black, this is Remus Lupin." He replied kindly.

"I'm Legacy Parker, nice to meet you Mr. Black." I answered politely and watched his and Remus Lupin's face change to utter disbelief.

"Parker?" Sirus repeated as if he was unsure of what I had just said, to which I nodded.

He and Lupin looked at each other as they both said under their breaths at the same time,


𝑨 𝑳𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒄𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑶𝒘𝒏 • 𝗙. 𝗪𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗹𝗲𝘆Where stories live. Discover now