• 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝑻𝒊𝒆𝒔 •

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           ☝︎ the oufit, for reference ☝︎


  Okay, what the hell? First I get attacked and nearly killed by a wrinkly house elf, then these two strange men, whom I have never met, automatically say my mothers name after I tell them who I am. I mean, sure they look like boys I saw in a picture with her, but Parker is a common last name. This is getting freaky.

  "I'm sorry, how do you know my mother's name?" I asked, breaking the two out of their staring contest, only to have them turn their shocked expression to me.
  "Mother? Constance had children? I heard from a very confused Sirius, clearly looking for answers

  "Well sort of. I'd much rather explain when I don't look like a hot mess though."

  "Of course, child. Go upstairs and change. After you've freshened up come downstairs for some dinner and we'll sort this all out." Remus instructed, there was a gentle pity in his eye when he scanned over my wretched appearance.

  I simply nodded thankfully and made my way upstairs to a room with multiple beds along each wall. I found that my belongings were already sitting on a bed, which I guessed to be mine. Walking over to it, rummaging through my things, I gathered what I would need in my arms and headed to the bathroom down the hall.

  I stepped into the steaming shower and let the water run through my damp, crazy, dirty hair. What a first impression, Parker. They probably think I'm a homeless person, considering I looked like one. And what is going on with all this mystery about my mom? Could've given me a heads up, Ma.

  'Oh yeah by the way, Legacy. You're going to meet a bunch of the people I knew at school and they don't even know you exist. Plus, you'll get mauled by one of their insane housekeepers. Good luck, honey!'

'Thanks for the info' I thought as I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts.

  Stepping out of the shower I changed into an outfit that looked significantly less homeless-y. A dark green striped button up tucked into a brown pleated thigh-length skirt, secured with a black leather belt and black platform shoes. Bless you, thrift stores.

  I cast another hair spell and let out a pleased sigh when I looked into the mirror to see my hair as fresh and beautiful as it was this morning. Shoving my wand into the pocket of my skirt I stepped out of the bathroom and moved to open the door to the bedroom, only to run straight into a hard chest.

  I looked up and, much to my embarrassment, found myself nose to nose with an extremely tall, extremely attractive boy.

  He had red hair, as half of the people in this damned house seemed to have. He had a crooked smile that screamed mischief, a long nose, and eyes that looked like a melting pot of pure gold and copper. They were an irresistible brown.

  And his smell. I took an long inhale, like a drag of a cigarette, and found myself high off of cedar wood, cinnamon, and... gunpowder? I almost melted into a puddle on the floor from the boy in front of me, and the fact that I had been staring at this boy entirely too long. I took a step back and started to do what I do best, make a fool of myself.
  "Oh my god I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there- well I couldn't have seen you because you were behind the door- but anyway I'm really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you and I feel like an absolute klutz right now and-"

  I was promtly cut off by a loud laugh and a light touch to my upper arm. I zeroed back in and realized I had been rambling and the cute boy was now laughing. I must've turned three shades of purple because he stopped laughing and looked at me.

  "Its okay, love. You didn't hurt me, it was just an accident. I'm Fred Weasley." He gently chuckled while he spoke, it was nothing short of charming.

𝑨 𝑳𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒄𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑶𝒘𝒏 • 𝗙. 𝗪𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗹𝗲𝘆Where stories live. Discover now