• 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒚 𝑻𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓 •

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I howled with laughter as I ran out of the portrait hole and down the corridor, being chased by two tall red-headed boys.

"I'm going to kill you when I catch you!" bellowed George.

I knew it was George because in big, bold, black marker 'George' was written across his forehead. Fred was the same way, though his read his own name.

"At least I'll know which one of you killed me!" I cackled as I ran.

As I rounded the corner, heading to the Great Hall, I ran smack into a person and we both stumbled a bit, though neither of us fell. I looked up and saw Lee Jordan. He had a curious look on his face and I returned it with a giddy grin as I hid behind him.

"I see her behind you, Jordan." George glared as he pointed to my crouched figure. Lee looked between Fred and George, he snorted and failed to hide his smile.

"Nope, don't know what you're talking about, Fred." he teased the boy who was obviously not Fred.

Both boys had a playful yet annoyed sneer on their faces, and I swear if they weren't labelled, I wouldn't know who was who.

"We'll get you back, just wait." They both said at the same time, Lee and I burst into laughter and I pulled out my wand. I muttered a spell under my breath, pointing between the twins' heads, and the ink slowly faded away.

After showing them it was gone using a little pocket mirror, we all turned to walk towards the Great Hall. Over the past few days, Paris and Shelby had been sitting with the boys and I. We had all become a close friend group and I enjoyed it thoroughly. We all sat down together and talked over breakfast.

Mostly it was Fred, George, and Shelby talking about quidditch, with Fred sneaking glances at me every so often. They talked about the upcoming game against Hufflepuff and how easy it would be. They boasted about how they were an unstoppable team with the twins as beaters and Shelby as the keeper.

Paris, Lee and I sighed in relief when the bell tower chimed signalling the start of classes. We all stood and Fred wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked to Umbridge's class together. My horrific detention was just two days ago and I still was not looking forward to being in her class. It made it more bearable that I sat in the back corner with Fred's large figure in front of me, shielding me from her.

Morning classes went smoothly, until Herbology after lunch with the Slytherins. I was unfortunately placed next to Draco Malfoy in the greenhouse, and when I accidentally knocked over a pot of Wormwood plant, and the soil had splattered all over the bottom of his robes. His enraged eyes snapped up to face me.

"How dare you! These are the finest robes money can buy and you ruined them! My father will hear about this!"

I rolled my eyes as he continued to spew hate towards me.

"These robes cost more than your filthy life! I honestly can't believe they let a filthy American mudblood into this school! My father will have you expelled for this! I-"

"LISTEN... I don't give a shit how much money your daddy spent on the clothes that you'll never wear again, and I also don't give a shit what your daddy says about a bit of dirt! What I do give a shit about, is you insulting me and calling me a slur. Now I suggest you shut your fucking mouth because if I hear another word from you, I'm going to stab you with a rusty knife." I whispered sharply so I made my point, without Professor Sprout hearing.

Malfoy's face paled, he shut his mouth and drew his lips into a thin line before picking up the pot and setting on the table harshly. A boy behind Malfoy who I belive was named Blaise, snorted a laugh and smirked at me.

𝑨 𝑳𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒄𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑶𝒖𝒓 𝑶𝒘𝒏 • 𝗙. 𝗪𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗹𝗲𝘆Where stories live. Discover now