• 𝑫𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 •

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                        ☝︎ the outfit ☝︎

TW: Gore and mentions of blood. Scene depicting a mental breakdown that may be difficult for some readers. ('⚠️' will appear before triggering content begins and after it ends)


"Legacy! Legacy! You're gonna be late! Oh blimey, get up!
  Suddenly I felt the sharp, cold sensation of water being poured on me. I shot up and my eyes immediately zeroed onto Shelby. She looked at my enraged face sheepishly.

  "Uhhhh.. heh."

I subtly grasped the nearest soaking wet pillow and, without her anticipation, slammed it into her face. This started an all out pillow fight between Shelby and I. Somehow in the middle of the battle, Paris got smacked with a stray cushion. She enacted her revenge by beating us to a pulp, which promptly ended our morning horse-assery.

  "Well ladies, its been fun. Now get ready and meet me in the Great Hall. If not to eat before classes start, then to at least get your schedules." She sauntered out of the room with Shelby and I still groaning in pain on the floor.

  After another minute of moping, I grabbed my clothes and got ready in the bathroom. Stepping out I saw Shelby getting dressed by her bed, her back was facing me so she didn't know I was there quite yet, but I saw that instead of a bra, she has a tight wrap around her chest. It seemed a bit too personal to ask about so I thought nothing of it and went to my trunk to grab my wand and my robes. I wasn't really used to school uniforms and I didn't know if they were optional or not, so I just went with whatever outfit I wanted, plus the black robe part on top, unbuttoned of course.

  I walked into the Great Hall and many eyes turned to look at me. Many more looked when they noticed what I was wearing, I felt very insecure so I glued my eyes to the ground and made a bee-line for the twins and Lee.

  "Wow Legacy, breaking tradition I see? George teased as I sat down, still red from my entrance into the room.

  "Oi, leave her alone." Fred said playfully with a smirk on his face as he turned to me, "You look great, love. It's good to have some change in wardrobe for once."

  "Thank you, boys. I just hope I don't get into too much trouble for it." I replied as I saw Professor McGonagall about ten feet away passing out schedules.

"Nah I'm sure you'll be fine, as long as you keep your robe buttoned during classes like the rest of us." Lee assured.

Just as he finished speaking, McGonagall got to us and gave us our classes for the semester. As she handed me mine she peered at my clothes, then up at me. After a few seconds of tension, her thin lips turned to a small smile and she started to walk away as if she saw nothing. As soon as she was gone Lee, the twins, and I all looked toward each other in triumphant shock.

  "See! You'll be fine! As long as McGonagall is cool with it I doubt anyone will give you any shit." George exclaimed with assurance thick in his tone.

  Oh, was he wrong.

  The first class I had was Defense Against the Dark Arts. I had this with Fred, Lee, and the Golden Trio. As soon as I walked in and looked to the front of the class, I grabbed Fred by the arm, who then mirrored my actions and grabbed Lee, and I dragged them both to the back of the class. Far away from the pink toad I had wished to never see again. 

  Up at the front, a few students were playing with an enchanted oragami bird. Which the killer-of-all-happiness promptly burned to a crisp. With that she started droning on about the Ministry approved curriculum and how our education in this subject was unstable. When Hermione spoke up about not actually using spells in class, which I agree was ridiculous, it escalated into a huge fight between Harry and Umbridge.

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