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A/N Sorry the posting times weird my school WiFi breaks any app that isn't Google lol

Now, listen here. Joey did not freak out.

Actually? That was bullshit. Because right now Joey was absolutely freaking out.

He stumbled over the layer of ice, nearly toppling over as he rushed to where Xornoth was crumpled. They were lying awkwardly, fingers flung out like they'd attempted to grab something, and their face was a clear and vivid expression of pain.

Why was there ice on the floor anyway? There shouldn't be ice on the floor. Ice never appeared in the Lost Empire apart from in the deep cellars the rich and shopkeepers stored huge chunks for personal use. It didn't make sense that ice would be appearing right here, coating the floor.

(Neither did the cold. The cold didn't make sense)

(When did anything make sense?)

"Shit, shit, shit-" Joey swore. He didn't remember what to do when someone hit their head. Did elves get concussions easily? He hoped not, it would be really difficult for him of all people to deal with.

He pushed them into a sitting position, and Xornoth almost fell over if it weren't for the hands supporting them.

That wasn't the thing that made him stop and stare though. The thing that did make him stop and stare was the blood that trickled out of their hair, right from the ugly stumps where their horns used to be.

"Fuck." Joey swore again. "You're bleeding." To make things worse, there were no bandages nearby. He'd left his first aid kit in his room, and he was by no means qualified to do anything related to medicine or healing at all.

Which was. Y'know. A minor inconvenience.

"Can- can you walk?" He started, helping them up to stand.

"I- I think-" Xornoth's hands pressed against the bloody marks before they almost fell again. Joey hurriedly steadied them, hands clasping their arms. "I don't think so."

Without even thinking, he picked them up bridal style. They squeaked in surprise as he started carrying them, careful to avoid the ice scattered throughout the hallway.



Xornoth stared at him, eyes widening. It took Joey more than a second to realise what they were thinking.

"I left the first aid kit there." He explained before they could stutter out a confused response.

"Why do you need a first aid kit?" They mumbled, hands entwined in their hair for dear life. He noticed their elvish accent had become more pronounced.

"Because- because you're bleeding?"


Did they think that he was going to not stop them bleeding? What? Joey cast another concerned glance at them, or where they were currently slumped in his arms. Their eyes were only just opened, which… did not seem the best.

A sudden fear that they had brain damage struck through - heads were fragile and ice was an unforgiving surface. "Okay, can you smile for me?"

Though looking properly confused Xornoth managed it without it being lopsided or only on half the side of their face, which was a good sign from what he remembered. Maybe he was panicking too much. He was definitely panicking too much.

(He always panicked too much-)

(And darn, they actually looked really cute with that smile on their face-)

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