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Gumusservi. At least that's what Xornoth thought it was called - the moon shining on the water.

Rivendell wasn't near any oceans, although there were huge winding rivers that spiralled down the cliffs and down towards the coast, ones that Xornoth and Scott spent hours upon hours watching out the window as children, but those didn't have the same effect. The actual ocean looked much more majestic.

It looked like a splash on an inky black painting; it was that bright. Much brighter than Xornoth thought moons could ever be, although it was dimmed slightly by the thickening clouds. They looked more like sublimated chunks of snow as opposed to evaporated water. Maybe it was because of the weather - they don't remember what the weather's supposed to be like, but it's certainly not usual if Joel's complaints are this loud and frequent.

Though the moon still shines on, glittering on the lapping waves regardless of the night. It's beautiful. Serene. It would make a lovely painting, but they don't know how to paint and they doubt many other people in Mezalea are awake and staring at the world outside. But then again maybe there are. Maybe there's an artist who can't sleep, just a few kilometres away, gazing out of a tower and recreating the beauty around them.

There was nothing to mar the gorgeousness, and if Xornoth really really gazed into it, they could forget all the troubles in their life, distance themself from all the nightmares and memories and possibilities of something going wrong overmorrow-

...and now they were thinking about nightmares and memories and possibilities of something going wrong overmorrow instead of the landscape. Quite a shame, but knowing themself they should've probably expected it earlier.

They shuddered and tried to go back to staring at the sea. It didn't work.

So many things that could go wrong. Pearl deciding she was going to expose them. Jimmy walking in and telling his husband. Gem sensing their aura. Scott finding them and-

Their grip on the windowsill was so hard their knuckles turned white, trembling, shaking as they tried not to imagine what Exor would make Scott do to them. It wouldn't be pleasant, they guaranteed.

Indeed it won't, little prince. Exor whispered into their mind. His voice had turned a lot quieter, something they were relieved about, but they could hear him perfectly in the silence. I can give you a foreshadow if you wish.

Xornoth closed their mouth, carefully, carefully, pulling the curtains of the window gently shut. They'd been completely lost at how to work them at first, and they were still embarresed at Joel's insistence of helping them learn how.

"Can't get the benefits of being a marine biologist if you don't know how to use curtains, lad."

They were still rather confused as to what that meant.

With a shiver and a useless attempt at ignoring Exor's muffled but present taunts, Xornoth sat down on the bed and wrapped the blanket around them. It was heavy, some kind of material inside making it weighted, and it reminded them of when it was especially cold in Rivendell and Scott would crawl into their bed and annoy them, smothering them with his wings in typical older brother fashion despite being barely ten minutes older. After a while when they had finished arguing, they would both wrap their wings around each other and fall asleep.

So glad to know you miss your brother.

Xornoth shuddered and pulled the blanket tighter. Maybe if they hid under it enough they would wake up and find that everything was okay, their twins wings around them, finding that nothing had changed since they were seven.

If you want Scott so badly I could always assist. Exor's voice became louder, if only slightly, and it took them a moment to realise that as scared as they were of him, their heart ached for their twin. They tried extra hard to ignore it. Or maybe you're selfish, and you just miss your wings. Such a shame they had to go.

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