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Also! Me and my friends on Tumblr are planning a Jornoth fanfiction week. I will post an announcement about it sometime soon but a little heads up doesn't hurt :)

When Xornoth woke up, it was hours later in Joey's arms.



Their eyes flung open and blinked rapidly at Joey, who was still sleeping. His face looked at peace, and they had to resist the urge to run a hand along his face and brush the curls out of his eyes.

The memory of what happened hit them like a boat filled with blood sheep. They had fallen over, started bleeding, got carried into Joey's room, he had said that he loved them (a part of their brain still couldn't believe it) and then they had hugged and presumably passed out.

Honestly, that wasn't even that eventful of a day.

Xornoth shifted a little, and became suddenly aware that at some point their arms and legs had become entangled with Joey's. A flush rose up their neck. Would he be okay with it? What if he woke up and he wasn't comfortable with it? They tried to ease themself back, just ever so slightly, but he mumbled something incoherent and tugged them in for a deeper hug, fluffy wings curling around them.

Not much they could do about that, but it was still an alien sensation. They hadn't felt his full, actual body in so long, and here he was cuddling them like they hadn't felt in ages. It was a soft feeling that filled them from the inside out, warm and comforting. Loving.

"Joey?" Xornoth whispered, unsure if he was awake or not.

He made a tired noise and nuzzled his head into their shoulder. They'd forgotten that he really wasn't a morning person. He used to just lie there and hug them for hours despite their halfhearted complaints that anyone would have known they didn't really mean. It was weird, especially considering they hadn't needed as much sleep as him, but they let him… 'spoon' (Was that the word? They didn't know) them anyway.

(Then the thought of someone grabbing them from the back made them tense uncomfortably and they told their mind to shut up)

Joey slowly shifted next to them, somehow making their legs even more tangled. He looked like he was waking up, and his eyebrows furrowed like they always did before opening his eyes.

"Xor'oth?" He murmured, blinking the sleep back from his eyes.

They felt their ears tilt. "Hi."

Joey didn't say anything in favour of burrowing his face into their shoulder. The action made them unconsciously lean into his touch, feeling his arms curl gently squeeze them in a way that might have startled them if it was anyone else but him. They hadn't been held like this in a while, and it was nice.

Xornoth was uncertain of what to do, but they were pretty content to just lie there for a while. Although it didn't make them not miss the giant, looming presence that they felt almost like it was going too fast. Like Joey was excusing what they did in exchange to speed up the process.

"Joey?" They whispered again, unsure if he was fully awake.

He groaned and tried to nuzzle into their shoulder even more. "It's too early for talking."

They didn't know what the time was, and they were fairly certain that Joey didn't either. "What's not too early to do then?"

"Sleeping." He yawned. His wings shifted around them. "And cuddling. And not talking."

Xornoth wriggled in his grip until they could look around the room a little better. The bedroom was exactly how they remembered it, a large shelf, a vanity stand and numerous jungle plants that gave the room a cosy atmosphere, but they realised that the clock that had previously been hung on the wall was missing.

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