Chapter 1

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Bellflower Cookie had recently gone off to find more kinds of medical herbs for her and her mentor Ginseng Cookie to use, they were running out of some kinds and they weren't growing as much back where she lived. Bellflower had heard of a large forest with all sorts of plants from GingerBrave and his friends, she'd find the ones she needs there for sure!

It wasn't a very bright forest to say the least, but here and there were small clearings with sunshine coming through. As she continued through the forest, Bellflower continued to find the herbs she needed expect for one kind that can only be distinguished from other plants in a dark environment. That wouldn't have been an issue if they weren't for the most part gone, only managing to find one or two.

Strange... Bellflower Cookie knew that most wild animals wouldn't ever eat them due to the fact that they're quite dangerous to eat. The only reason why they'd be gone is if a Cookie picked them to use to treat dough wounds. According to GingerBrave nobody ever came here since Cookies from the nearby town have allegedly seen a giant wolf, so why would most of the plant she needs be gone if the conditions are right for it and they clearly grow here?

Well it was time for her to find out!

POV Swap ~

Werewolf Cookie was making his way back to the place he had set up a camp of sorts when he noticed something up ahead. It was another Cookie.

Why would anyone be out here? There was no reason for this Cookie to go this far out into the forest. This one in particular had a flowerly smell to them along with the scent of quite a few herbs coming from the large backpack they were carrying around.

Now how was he gonna get past them without being noticed?

All of a sudden the little wolf pup popped out from one of the bushes and ran towards the stranger barking happily. The Cookie with the backpack looked at the pup and petted them with a smile. the pup was wagging it's tail happily as they received the pets.

This gave Werewolf Cookie a chance to go around and continue on his way, except that's not why the pup went up to the stranger in the first place. The pup then began to bark in his direction and the Cookie simply followed where it was going.

Great. Just great.

Werewolf Cookie tried hiding in a bush but he didn't manage to in time and the Cookie with a backpack ended up seeing them.

"Oh! Uh hello there.", The Cookie said with a fairly feminine voice.

"Hi...?", Werewolf Cookie replied akwardly.

"Is this little guy yours?"

"Uhhh... Not really?"


"They just follow me around most of the time, that's all."

"They must really like you then. Oh I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Bellflower Cookie, what's your name?"

"That's not important."

"Then what am I meant to call you?"

Werewolf Cookie just looks at her but doesn't say anything.

"It doesn't have to be your real name", Bellflower Cookie says while rolling her eyes.

"Just call me Wolf Cookie then"

"Well then Wolf Cookie, have you seen a type of bush with blue-ish berries that glow? A friend of mine said they grow here."

"Some, any reason why?"

"I need to stock up on some since they're used to make a cream that helps with wounds such a scraps and paper cuts."

"There's a small cluster of them deeper in the forest but I don't recommend going out that far out alone"

"Great, you're coming with me then!"


"Well you know where they are and I came here with no one else so you're coming"

"What about someone from the village nearby?"

"None of them want to go in farther than the area without many trees"


Bellflower Cookie smiles and starts walking deeper into the forest. Werewolf Cookie sighs as he follows her.

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