Chapter 4

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The next morning Bellflower Cookie had woken up with the cloak (I have decided it's a cloak and you cannot change my mind) that she had seen Wolf Cookie wear on top of her. Had he put on on her because of the cold? To be fair her clothes weren't really suited for sleeping in a forest so it made more or less sense.

Bellflower Cookie then got up from the floor and put on her backpack. Wolf Cookie didn't seem to be around at the moment but she didn't want to just leave his cloak on a rock, instead Bellflower sat on a stump as she waited for him to get back.

POV Swap plus mini timeskip of about 15 minutes ~~

When Werewolf Cookie returned to his camp with some food, he hadn't expected the smell of herbs with a slight hint of flowers to still be there. To his surprise, Bellflower Cookie was just waiting there with his cloak.

He thought that she would've gone back to the village by now since Bellflower didn't look like she had just woken up. She was eating a few jellies while organizing her backpack it seemed. The little wolf pup then proceeded to run up to Bellflower Cookie barking.

Why does it keep doing this sort of stuff?

Werewolf Cookie just sighed as Bellflower Cookie walked up to him with the cloak.

"Thanks for letting  me use it during the night.", Bellflower Cookie said with a smile on her face as she handed it back to him.

"You looked like you needed something warmer", Werewolf Cookie replied.

"I was probably gonna be fine. Anyways I wanted to return it to you."

"Wouldn't it have been easier if you just left it on a rock and gone back to town?"

"That would've been easier but since we probably won't see each other again I wanted to thank you properly for letting me use it."

"You're welcome I guess then."

"So uhh... Bye?"

"Unless you need help getting back to town then bye."

Bellflower Cookie then smiled once more before heading in the direction of town.

Before she left the area, one of the flaps on the bag opened up revealing that the wolf pup had jumped in and it had the smuggest look on its face ever.

It didn't take long for Werewolf Cookie to notice that the wolf pup disappered and he remembered seeing it last with Bellflower Cookie.

It probably went with her didn't it?

Well guess he was going into town then...

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