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Chapter 10

It's been a month to Alishba and Ridhaan's married life but nothing changed between them or you could say, none of them tried changing for one another. Yes they had a little talks here and there. Him, asking her about his towels or shirts or his files. He was amazed at how quickly Alishba understood the places of his belongings.

He tried many times to talk to her but all in vain because everytime he step forward, she takes another step backward.

He was even amazed at how he never wanted to make any movement in this marriage but now its him who is dying to talk to her, to see her flawless and beautiful face every morning they get up to offer their Fajr salah. It's likely to say that they shared the same room, living under the same roof but it felt like they were miles away from each other.

He understood that something is stopping her to step ahead in this marriage. And he didn't understand what ?

Ridhaan leaned back on his arm chair exhausted by the meetings one after another. He wanted to go home and take rest and most importantly he wanted to see her. But her ignorance hurts every chambers of his heart. His heart bleeds thinking of her uncertainty whereas Alishba was clueless of her husband's restless days and nights. She was avoiding him for she was scared of his blunt nature. But none of them tried justifying their point of views.

Ridhaan got up from his arm chair, ready to go home where she might be waiting for him to serve him the dinner. Everytime when he go home at night, she waits for his return doing all the duties of a righteous wife without a second thought but what she's failing at is understanding what he actually wants.

And he wants her. Her time, her attention. This feeling is driving him crazy day by day. And he didn't even knew what to do about that. Only person who can understand his restlessness is her and she itself is the one causing it.

Asma had once told him to take her out. As much as he wanted that, he denied it, thinking that she might be uncomfortable.

She even grew close to Rishan helping him in his academic year. And when he step in the study room where she helps Rishan understand the algebra, she freaks out so he avoided going there when she is teaching Rishan.

Rishan had even once mocked his elder brother that he didn't knew what Alishba likes to eat making both of them uncomfortable.

Ridhaan ringed the bell for whole 5 minutes standing outside the main door of his home. Alishba never fails to open it in one or two rings. So he decided to call her but before that she beats him.

"I'm sorry. I was in the kitchen". She said hurriedly opening the door for him to let in.

An instant smile adored his lips looking at his beautiful wife's beautiful features. "It's okay". He murmured getting inside.

"The dinner is ready". She said, her head hung low while he turned back nodding.

He never saw anyone as innocent as she is.  She is like feather, so soft hearted. And he being rude all the time is trying to change for her, trying to never talk to her in a disrespectful way.

After washing his hands, he sat at the dining chair while Alishba cleaned the kitchen. She never sat with him for any meals together and he subsided the urge to have any meals with her. But he tried making small talks with her trying to know her better.

"Where is Ammi and Rishan ?". He started.

"They have gone to a wedding". She said from the kitchen.

After he finish his dinner, he go straight to his room for he was thoroughly exhausted. She came after 12 minutes and yes he was exactly counting the minutes.

While he slept on the couch, she conquered the bed.

And just like that, another day went off just like so many other changing nothing between them.


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