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Chapter 13


It's true that we cannot learn without little pain. It doesn't just shows up in our life for no reason. It's a sign that something in our lives, needs to be changed.

Waiting hurts.
Forgetting hurts.
But not knowing which decision to take is the worst kind of suffering.

The truth is it hurts because it's real. It hurts because it mattered. And that's the important thing to acknowledge.

Sometimes the things that hurt us the most teach us the greatest lessons of life.

Pain changes people. It makes them trust less and overthink more and shut people out. That's what Ridhaan has always been doing all his life but why it hurts to not trust Alishba anymore ?

People think he is always angry but what they don't know is that there is a big difference between anger and hurt. Sometimes he is just hurt and that comes out in the form of anger.

"Do you want a cup of tea ?". Alishba's innocent voice echoed which made him more furious.

"Did I ask you for it ?". Ridhaan said anyways. Well handling his anger issues is something impossible for him.

Either way, he doesn't want to lash out on her or ask her if she is being faithful in this marriage. He's tired of being betrayed by the ones, he thought are his near ones.

Truth is everybody is going to hurt us. We just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.

And he thought, may be Alishba is that worthy.

"No! I'm sorry". Alishba said quickly already scared of his sudden outburst.

They were happy and were planning to start a fresh start in this marriage. But she was confused of what changed between them suddenly ?

She wanted to ask but was afraid to voice her thoughts. So keeping his blunt nature in mind, she slept on the bed completely ignoring her raising heart beat.

With pain clouding his mind and heart, Ridhaan didn't realise when he fell asleep.

Mornings brings yet another day to cherish, preserve and do things you couldn't do yesterday.

The sun disturbed the two souls beneath, who are yet to be soulmates, shining at them brightly.

Alishba was first to open her eyes and the first thing she saw was files that were scattered here and there. She thought Ridhaan was really disturbed yesterday because of why he forgot to keep them in its place.  Picking up all the files, she put them back in its original place. After she was satisfied that her bedroom looked neat and tidy, she left to prepare breakfast.

A phone call broke Ridhaan's sleep. A tired yawn escapes from his lips. Looking at the caller id, he recieves the call.

"Sir few of our staffs have already reached the site. When should I come pick you ?". His secretary, Raghav said at the other end.

"Come in 10. I'll be ready by then".  Came Ridhaan's hoarse voice.

"Right away Sir". Raghav said disconnecting the call.

Getting ready in black office attire, Ridhaan looked at his reflection in the mirror. He wondered why Alishba didn't come to summon him for the breakfast. He thought, the way he behaved with her last night, might have scared her. But he can't deny the fact that he cannot start his day by not looking at her flawless face.

But he refrained himself getting engrossed in the mails that kept coming for they have a very important meeting today. On the mention of meeting, the files he was looking into yesterday which were important for the meeting were nowhere to be found.

"Alishba!". He called out his wife restlessly unable to find the files.

After five more minutes, Alishba stepped in. "Did you call me ?".

"Where the hell are my files?". Ridhaan yelled in fury.

He was way too angry on her. The reason he couldn't conclude. It's may be because, she touched his files without his permission. Although he knew she would keep it safely. Or because he was hurt of her unfaithfulness.

Alishba flinched in fear, "Inside the locker". She said out of difficulty while few tears made its appearance which didn't go unnoticed by Ridhaan.

"Can you get them ?". He yelled yet again ignoring his heart which is telling him to go slow on her but this time his mind overpowered his senses.

"Yes". Alishba stuttered making her way towards the cupboard.

She took few files from the locker and gave it to him. After taking them from her, he wore his coat, ready to leave.

But her voice stopped him, "Please, stay for the breakfast".

"I'm not hungry". He said leaving her alone to deal with her emotions.

Alishba knelt down scared and hurt. She couldn't handle her emotions anymore which flowed freely through her eyes. Her cries got louder and louder. She was glad that Asma wasn't at home to witness her this side.

After what felt like an eternity, her cries fade, her tears subside.

She realised that once the heart gets too heavy with pain, we don’t cry. We just turn silent. Completely silent.


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