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The whole world shattered around me, or that's what it felt like. All I saw was the mask that laid on the white concrete floor. Next to it laid a letter that said:

'We are watching.'

I grabbed the letter with shaky hands. It lit up on flames and the ashes fell on the floor. I watched them fall of the mask in front of me.

"It's not everyday you see a Watcher burning a letter of their own," a raspy, accented voice spoke from above me. I raised my head to see a Watcher with wings black as the darkness of the night.

"W-was it you who did this..?" I called our raising my shaky voice. I didn't know if I even wanted to know the truth behind the action.

"You don't want to know how many graves I had to dig up before finding the right one," they answer. The way they said it was so casual, it was like they didn't see anything wrong with it.

"What do you want from me...? Why are you here...?" I spoke in a tone that was turning hysterical. I was loosing the battle against my emotions and my whole body was shaking violently.

"Well, I don't exactly want anything from you, but my master, in fact, wants you dead. I'm just the messenger, you know," they answered, crouching down on the edge of the upper layer of the building.

"W-what do you mean..?" I whispered, knowing they would hear it.

"I don't know why he wants it, but that's what he wants," they answered. We both knew that they were lying, it was so obvious, but yet, I didn't say anything.

          The silence that had fallen between us was broken by the buzzing of my communicator. I picked it up, keeping my eyes on the Watcher. The look on their face told that they knew what it was about, and I didn't like that, not at all.

¬The Council¬

Spam (Mao)
We have (15.03)
A problem. (15.03)
A Rookie has gone (15.03)
And gotten herself (15.03)
Killed! (15.04)
She and her friends (15.04)
Went to Hypixel (15.04)
After a player (15.05)
Hurried to the lobby (15.05)
And told about (15.05)
An attack. (15.05)

The Bitch (Edita)
They went there without
informing us about it? (15.05)

CoPpEr (Friede)
That's not good.. (15.06)

The Child (Sherenidy)
All Main Admins, Lead Watchers
and Mea, Topi and Lupin! (15.06)
Go to Hypixel! (15.06)
The rest of us will be ready
incase of another attack by
the black winged Watchers! (15.07)

Stop stealing my shit! (Tatton)
I saw some of our spies from
the Watchers' Academy. They said
that the students had started acting
kinda weird. (15.07)

The Evil Twin (Xenex)
The Academy hides a huge
legion of black winged Watchers. (15.08)
The students most likely saw them
getting ready to go out. (15.08)

The Cool Leader (Alden)
We need to be prepared. (15.09)

Bonk with a frying pan (Jaylee)
The Lead Watchers have all left! (15.09)

As We Dance With The Devil {The Endless War REWRITE} Where stories live. Discover now