Chapter 2

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Hiruzen hums thoughtfully to himself once Kakashi has finished reporting back to him everything the new girl, Kimiko Sumire, had told him.

Hiruzen couldn't quite believe it himself. A Sumire survived the massacre? Hiruzen silently wonders if she could be one of their princesses, as he feels she may have the same name as the eldest twin.

He makes a reminder to look into it later.

Finally, he speaks up. "Kakashi, I'd like for you to give Kimiko information on enrolling in the ninja academy and how our team system works. I'll get a house organised for her but give Kimiko this address. I'll have someone escort her once she's released from the hospital."

Hiruzen takes out a piece of paper and ink brush and writes something on it.

"Alright, Hokage-sama," Agrees Kakashi, taking the paper.

He then leaves and returns to the hospital. He learns from the nurse Kimiko has tried to escape once again, making him feel more exaggerated.

When Kakashi enters her room, he finds Kimiko pouting with her arms crossed over her chest in bed. Kakashi taps his knuckles on the door, gaining her attention.

And her glare.

"Back again, huh? What do you want this time?" Kimiko asks rudely as he approaches her.

"I came because Hokage-sama asked me to tell you about our ninja academy, and how our teams work, in case you might be interested in staying for awhile."

"I doubt that," She says with a roll of her eyes.

"I take it from your appearance and weapons that you know some basic ninja skills?" Kakashi asks.

Kimiko deadpans heavily at him as she says sarcastically, "No, shit! What do you think?"

Kakashi sweat drops. He continues anyway. "Every year, there's a Genin graduation test held in the academy, and if the Genin graduate, they're placed on teams with two other Genin, plus a Jounin for a squad leader. They then go on missions and earn money to pay for rent and other necessities. If you decide to stay in the Leaf Village, you'll need to join the academy a day before the graduation and if you graduate and are placed on a team, you can also do missions to earn money in order to live here. What do you say, Kimiko?"

The blonde girl had remained silent during Kakashi's explanation, her face looking thoughtful.

While she's initially had no plans to stay whatsoever, Kimiko remembers she's out of money and food. Plus, if she did stay, just for long enough, then Kimiko might be able to avoid him.

After all, it's not like her former master will come looking for her in the Hidden Leaf Village, of all places, right?

After nearly a full minute of silent thinking, Kimiko heaves out a groan, slumping her shoulders and hanging her head. "Urgh, that just sounds like a whole lot of work! But if it means I can get money and food, fine, I'll do it."

Kakashi blinks his eye in surprise. He was sure she'd refuse. A smile tugs at his lips behind his half mask as he closes his eye. "Wonderful! I'm glad you decided to stay. I just know you'll like it in the Hidden Leaf if you gave it a chance," He says.

"You knew I'd agree?" Kimiko questions with a raised eyebrow at him.

"Not really," Kakashi answers truthfully. He holds out the piece of paper to Kimiko, making her blink her violet eyes. "Here. Hokage-sama wanted me to give you this should you do decide to stay."

"What is it?" Kimiko questions as she takes it from him and her eyes skim over what seems to be an address.

Kakashi answers, "It's the address to your new home. Someone will come and escort you to it once you're discharged from the hospital. Oh, and head to Room 107 for your class at the Ninja Academy."

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