Chapter 61

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Kimiko's P. O. V:

My teammates and I had gotten away from the poison wind and I'd given those who'd inhaled it an antidote.

I heal Hinata's wound first as Fang tends to Kiba and Shino.

"It seems we've all been injured but thanks to Kimiko and Fang, we'll be fine in moments," Says Kakashi, his left shoulder bleeding profusely. I finish Hinata's wound and then set to work in healing Ibiki's left leg. Once I'd finished that, I heal Kakashi's shoulder wound. Fang has healed me first before tending to Shino and Kiba.

Kakashi gazes at me as I finish healing his wound. "How's that feel, Kakashi?" I ask, pulling my hands away.

"Better. Thank you, Kimiko." He smiles gratefully at me.

"What was with that wind before?" Asks Kiba as Fang finishes healing him.

"It's miasma, a type of poisoned wind," I explain.

Kakashi adds, "I remember now. There were rumours of a clan that possessed a Kekkei Genkai called Miasma Release. Not much is known about it and the clan was supposedly wiped out during the Third Great Ninja War."

"It seems as though a few have managed to survive," Ibiki says seriously.

"BBut now they've g-gotten away," Hinata says.

"We have to go after them!" Kiba says.

Shino nods his head. "I agree."

"And we will," I say, finishing healing Kakashi's shoulder.

"We should hurry and get after them before we lose their trail," Kakashi says, standing up.

I say to my teammates, "Fang and I will concoct more vials of the antidote for the Miasma, and I'll give each of you one. I think it's their Kekkei Genkai."

"That's a good idea," Ibiki says, nodding his head. Fang and I then set to work on making the antidote.

I bite my thumb and do hand signs. "Summoning Jutsu," I say, putting my hand to the ground. With a large poof of smoke, Arielle and Momo appear.

"What's going on, Kimiko-sama?" Momo asks, gazing around.

"We're going to look for some criminals. We need your help," I tell them.

"Leave that to the three of us," Arielle says as they begin to sniff the enemy's scents.

"This way!" Fang says and we follow them into the woods.

It was another half an hour before we catch up to the criminals. We hang back a bit so as not to be spotted.

"There they are," I point out as we continue leaping through the trees. "We'll attack upon my signal. Remember to be careful of their Miasma Release." My teammates say their agreement. I wait a bit longer before I give the signal to attack, thrusting my gloved hand towards the criminals. "Now!"

My teammates and I scatter and take to an opponent.

Hinata and Kakashi engage Kaede, the Water Style user, Shino fights the Earth Style user, Ken, Ibiki goes head to head with Furea and Kiba engages Roku and I bring my twin fans down towards Toshiro as I descend upon him, a war cry escaping my mouth.

Toshiro brings up his sword to block. We exchange a swift slash before I leap back.

"So you survived my Miasma and caught up to us," Toshiro says as my wolves gather around me.

"It wasn't that hard to track you. If you think you can escape, think again. You're still going to prison," I tell the dual haired coloured man.

"We'll see about that!" He seethes before leaping for me.

Arielle calls out as she uses her prediction ability, "M' Lady! He's going to bring his sword on you! Use your left fan to block then you right to attack."

I use my fan to block his sword before I attempt to slash a sharp blade of air at him. Toshiro grunts when it slices his left side and I smirk before swinging my fan again. He dodges it this time.

"A swipe for your left side! Block that," Arielle tells me. I bring up my fan to do just that. I slash my second forward and strike Toshiro in the arm.

"So that white wolf can predict my movements," Toshiro muses as he and I continue to exchange swift slashes.

"You've figured it out," I mutter.

"Momo, aim a needle at his stomach," Arielle tells the pink and black wolf.

"You got it! Poison Needles!" Momo calls. I jump away just in time to avoid getting hit by them as the poison needles aim for the dual hair coloured man. He just deflects them with his twin long swords. "What?! He deflected them?!"

"Miasma Release: Miasma Bullet," Toshiro says and fires a bullet of purple air at my wolf.

She was tackled out of the way by Fang and the billet hits the tree behind them.

"Thanks for the save, Fang," Momo says as the blue eyed wolf gets up. Fang grins at her.


"Striking Crane Thrust!" I call, slashing my katana forwards. Toshiro grunts as my attack slices his right arm. "Dragon Flash!" I flash over to him while swinging my katana up. Toshiro grunts as he's knocked backwards.

I swing my sword for him again but he manages to block this time.

"M' Lady! He's going to aim for your right side! Block it then use Growing Crystal Thorns," Arielle tells me.

I block the attack just in time and jump back to avoid another swing. I then do hand signs. "Crystal Style: Growing Crystal Thorns!"

Slamming my hands on the ground, I make thorns of rose quartz crystal rise up. They pierce towards the black and gray haired man but he jumps up and flips and weaves around them.

Toshiro runs along one of the branches towards me.

Arielle tells me, "He's going to use Air Bullets!"

I evade each and everyone of the bullets Toshiro fires at me.

Toshiro scowls as he glares at the purple eyed wolf. "You're getting on my nerves, mutt," He growls. Arielle widens her eyes and I gasp as the Nakano races past me towards her, swords held at the ready.

I cry out a warning but too late. One of Toshiro's swords slashes Arielle's right shoulder, making her cry out.

Toshiro was laughing as my wolf collapses. "Too bad for you but my swords are laced with Miasma! Very soon, you'll be dead—"

He's cut off as I go to bring my sword down on him, but Toshiro whirls around to block it. He sneers at my dark expression, tears welling up in my eyes.

I growl lowly at him, pressing my sword against his, "You're gonna regret that, teme!"

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