Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, Part 4

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Kimiko's P. O. V:

Sasuke, Sakura, Scar and I dodge the ice spikes Fubuki throws at us as we run through the forest.

Sasuke calls, "Kimiko, Sakura, how close are they?"

"Hang on a sec!" She calls while we dodge the flying Fubuki. "I got it! 20 degrees left in five seconds!!"

I add, "30 metres out! You want to aim for that branch!"

"Right!" Sasuke sends out wires to wrap around the branch.

"Give up! It's useless!" Mizore calls, sliding towards us on his snowboard.

Sakura throws kunai but they rebound off of him. I get off Scar and he runs for Mizore. Upon reaching him, Scar leaps up and thrusts a hind leg forwards in a kick. Mizore grunts as he wobbles. Scar thrusts his forepaw forwards and strikes them strongly against the Snow ninja's chest. He pulls back as the man is sent flying off his board. Sakura continues to throw more kunai, sending bits of paper everywhere.

"Sakura Blizzard Jutsu!" The Haruno says as she thrusts a kunai into the ground at his feet, a paper bomb attached. "Enjoy!"

The bomb goes off and a heatwave blasts out, causing Fubuki to crash backwards into the wire is set up.

Fubuki flips around on a branch as she frees herself and says, "You're dealing with the ninja of the Snow, here! It would take more than that to bring us down!"

I unsheathe my left katana and loom in front of the pinkette. "Kenjutsu: Dragon Flash!" I swing my sword forward and it strikes Fubuki in the stomach. She cries out as she's sent flying back.

"You're probably right," Sasuke says coolly as he appears right behind the pinkette. She gasps. "Lion's Barrage!"

Sasuke slams a foot into her stomach before flipping around and kicking Fubuki again. He sends her crashing painfully to the snow covered ground. Fubuki crashes into Mizore, emitting a blast of purple lightning upon impact, shocking them both.

I land beside Scar, Sasuke and Sakura as I look back and the raven eyed boy asks in mild confusion, "What just happened?"

Sakura murmurs, "Gosh, I'm not really sure. Wait... you don't think that they..." Sakura trails off as the smoke clears, to reveal both Snow ninja to be dead.

"I think we've found their weakness. Sasuke, let's go," I say after a moment of stunned silence, turning towards the Rainbow Glacier. "Naruto needs us. We must avoid Kakashi's fight at all costs. The man he's fighting is dangerous."

"Right," Sasuke says before we take off through the trees with me on Scar's back.


"When we get there, you, Sasuke, use your Chidori to pierce Doto's armor, and I'll follow suit with my fan," I tell the Uchiha as we leap through the trees.

"Got it," He says, nodding.

We soon reach an area with sheer cliffs of ice and little rivers flowing around a covered altar. Doto and Koyuki are there but I don't see Naruto.

I hear Doto shouting in disappointment, "A heat generator?! This is the hidden treasure of the Kazahana clan?!"

"KOYUKI!!" It was Naruto!

"Naruto!!" The Princess shouts.

"ICE STYLE: BLACK DRAGON BLIZZARD!!" A dragon of black snow lunges for Naruto.

I knew Naruto could defeat Doto if he's defeated enemies like Kabuto, Shukaku, and survived Orochimaru. Twice, I might add.

"NARUTOOO!!" Koyuki shouts.

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