Chapter 24

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Kimiko's P. O. V:

Sakura throws shuriken but Zaku appears before his teammates. Zaku throws out his hands to show the holes in his palms and sends out a wave of chakra infused air.

Sakura and I throw our hands up to shield ourselves from the sudden gust of wind as the weapons were thrown right back at us.

Sakura glares at the blue haired man as she begins to fall. But a hand grabs a fistful of her pink hair, causing Sakura to cry out.

I whirl around with a gasp to see the female Sound ninja behind Sakura. "My, my! What soft, shiny hair! But you know what? If you'd spent a little less time shampooing, and a little more time practicing your Jutsu, you might not be in this fix!"

I say sarcastically, "Well! At least Sakura's hair doesn't make her look like a raccoon!"

An anime tick mark appearing on her temple, the ravenette whips me a death stare. "What'd you just call me?!"

"And hear I thought you Sound ninja had excellent hearing!"

"Hey, Zaku," The girl grits out. "I know what would be fun! Let's make the two Beauty Queen-Sans watch while you finish that Sasuke guy!"

"Why not?" Says Zaku. "Sounds like fun to me!"

I growl out, "You still have me to contend with!"

I go to unsheathe one of my katanas until Dosu speaks. "Orochimaru has ordered us not to kill you, Princess."

I narrow my eyes in confusion. "Why?" I question. Then, I gasp.

Don't tell me Orochimaru's still after that! Why won't he give up?!

I can't believe that snake still wants me, even after all this time!

"One move, and your little friend gets it!" The female Sound nin warns me.

I grit my teeth as I relax my hand. Damn it. I'm sorry, Sakura.

Sakura is about to lunge at Zaku but her captor snaps as she yanks the pinkette back, "Don't even...!"

Sakura gasps painfully as her fingers clench in the dirt. Tears of frustration begin dripping from her eyes. Sakura's fist tightens in the dirt.

"Okay! Let's do this!" Zaku says excitedly as he steps toward the unconscious Uchiha with deliberate steps. He steps past Sakura and I slowly but I couldn't attack him without risking Sakura's own safety.

I shift my gaze when I see Sakura pull out a kunai from her weapons' holster.

The girl says as Sakura grips the knife in her hands, "Come on! It's pointless. It won't work on me!"

Sakura says as she gives the ravenette a smile, "It's not meant for you!"

"What the...?!" The Sound nin gasps as Sakura raises the kunai...

... and slices it right through her pink hair, cutting it off and freeing Sakura from the Sound Nin.

I gape at my teammate, not having expected her to do such a thing.

Sakura slowly rises to her feet as her pink strands drift to the forest floor. Her headband clatters on the ground beside her feet.

Lee says as Sakura clenches her fist determinedly, "Sakura, be careful!" His eyes then droop close as Lee loses consciousness.

"Kin! Finish her!" Zaku orders his female teammate.

Kin's charcoal coloured eyes widen before she whips out three senbon needles and whirls to Sakura who's doing fast hand signs, though they're nowhere near as fast as me.

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