Chapter 16

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Kimiko's P. O. V:

I take my time getting to the bridge for my team's meet up a couple of days later, in my usual work attire. It's been a few months since the Land of Waves mission, and I've also been spending more time with Kiba and Team 8.

Because I was close with her, Hinata has allowed me to copy her Byakugan, and she's helping me train in it.

When I get to the bridge, Sasuke and Sakura were already there, leaning against opposite sides of the bridge. They look up as I approach. "Hey! Morning!"

Sakura smiles at me as she responds, "Good morning, Kimiko." Sasuke just glances at me before looking away. I go to lean on the same railing as Sakura as we wait for Kakashi and Naruto, who have yet to arrive.

Sometime later, Sakura and I look up to see Naruto running towards us. "Hey, good morning, Sakura! What's up?"

"Good morning," I greet, and Naruto grins at me. Then, the blonde notices Sasuke behind Sakura.

Naruto and Sasuke narrow their eyes as they glare daggers at one another. Sakura and I deadpan at each other. I think in exaggeration, "Not again! These two have been like this ever since we'd gotten back from our mission in the Land of Waves! I don't think they'll ever grow out of it..." My right eye twitches as I hang my head and groan in exaggeration. "Kakashi, you'd better hurry and get here soon, or these two will drive me up the wall!"

And, so the waiting begins. About four more hours tick by and Kakashi still hasn't shown his face.

I was getting really ticked off by his tardiness...

"Hey, guys! Good morning!" Greets a cheerful Kakashi as he appears, crouching, atop an arch above us. "Sorry I'm late. I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life."

I give the silverette an annoyed glare as Naruto and Sakura scream in his face, eyes angry white, animated circles, "Whaaa...?!!"

Kakashi leaps down from the arch and Naruto gets in his face as he eagerly says, blue eyes shining, "I'm ready for the next ninja mission, Sensei!" Kakashi holds up his hands placatingly. "And, hey! Come on! No more of this dumb beginner stuff, okay?! I wanna chance to prove myself! I'm talking a real mission, where I can show what I'm made of! Aaahhh!! I've gotta break out and burn it up!! See?!" The determined look in Naruto's eyes is so intense that you could see flames burning in them.

Taking a step back, Kakashi says, "Err, right. I get it. That's great, Naruto. Now, take it easy, would you?"

Naruto then swivels his head around to glare daggers at Sasuke, Naruto's eyes angry animated white semi circles. Sasuke, as though feeling he's being stared at, looks to see it's Naruto glaring at him.

Suddenly, Naruto yells out, "BELIEVE IT!!"

Kakashi tells him, "Let us know when you're done fantasising, Naruto, so we can start the mission, alright?"

"Right!" The blue eyed boy says eagerly.

Sakura asks in a tone of annoyance, "Could you not be so annoying, Naruto? Just for once?!"


The missions today involve helping a lady pull out weeds from her garden. While Sasuke, Sakura and I pulled them out calmly,  Naruto made it a contest and pulled out both weeds and the plants, which were special herbs, which earned him a beating from our client.

Our next mission was to clean up a river, while Kakashi sits against a tree and reads his Icha Icha Paradise book. Naruto had slipped in the river and was being washed downstream, but then he was saved by Sasuke who'd used his chakra to climb a tree over the waterfall, and had caught the Uzumaki.

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