Chapter 71

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I've started writing a new Loki Love Story called Heart of Magic! I'd love for you guys to check it out and let me know what you think!

Kimiko's P. O. V:

I lean against the railing of the boat as my team and I (which consists of Team 8, minus Kurenai, and Kakashi) sail to The Land of Crystals for our next mission.

"What was our mission again?" I ask.

"Weren't you paying attention?" Kiba asks me.

"'Course I was."

"Our mission is to guard Princess Hisui Kishimoto of The Land of Crystals," Kakashi explains from the wheel. "She's being targeted by someone, though it's unclear who, so this B rank mission could turn into an A rank mission."

"A B rank that could turn into an A rank, huh..." I trail off as I remember receiving our mission from Tsunade.

"It looks like you've finally decided to join us, Kimiko," Tsunade greets as I enter the office a little later than my teammates, which are Kiba, Hinata, Shino and Kakashi.

"I kinda overslept, Tsunade-sama," I reply, going to stand beside the Hatake.

"It's almost noon," She deadpans at me.

I chuckle sheepishly. "So... what's our mission?" I ask to change the topic.

"Your new mission will take you to The Land of Crystals, where you will be guarding their Princess and Feudal Lord, Hisui Kishimoto," The caramel eyed woman explains.

"The Land of Crystals?" Hinata echoes.

"It's filled valuable crystals that grow out of the ground on the island and is surrounded by sheer cliffs which protect it from all sides," Shizune tells us.

"It's unclear who is targeting Hisui, so this B rank mission could turn into an A rank. I can't emphasise how important it is to protect the Feudal Lord. Make sure nothing happens to her, or there'll be trouble, got it?!" Tsunade finishes.

"Right," We all say in understanding.

"I wonder what the Feudal Lord is like?" Hinata asks.

"Who knows?" I shrug my shoulders. "Never met her."

"How much longer will it take for us to get there, Kakashi Sensei?" Kiba questions.

"Another 6 days," He responds.

I gaze out at the ocean with my head in my hand, letting my mind wander.


A few days later, at sunrise, my teammates and I anchor our boat and disembark onto the island known as The Land of Crystals for our bodyguard mission.

We gaze around in awe at the countless crystals that grow out of the earth as we head for the Minister's office. On the way, I see a few figures sneaking around the buildings, and flick my gaze to Kakashi.

He meets my gaze and gives a subtle nod, letting me know he saw them too.

Instead of going to the Minister's office, we follow the bandits, dashing across the rooftops. They were headed for the Feudal Lord's palace.

Just as we near them, my teammates and I leap down upon the bandits and I whip out my katanas. There's an echoey clang as my swords connect with something made of glass. The civilians nearby scream in fear before fleeing the area. I'm pushed back and exchange a few blows with my attacker, while my teammates engage the others.

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