Chapter 27

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Pic is of Ren, just with green eyes—->

Kimiko's P. O. V:

Ren does hand signs and says, "Earth Style: Earth Dragon Jutsu!" She flows her chakra into the floor of the arena and a massive dragon with amber eyes rises up out of the earth. It lets out a roar before lunging towards me.

I don't move from my spot as I do my own hand signs. "Lightning Style: Tornado Lightning!" I thrust up my hands and twin columns of swirling electricity twist through the arena towards the dragon.

My Jutsu collides with Ren's and shatters it. She scowls at me as the electricity dies down and I smirk back at her.

"You'll have to do better than that," I tell her.

"Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bullet." Another dragon emerges from the ground but this time only its head which is made out of mud, and it starts to fire large bullets of mud at me.

I jump away to evade each and every one of them.

"Wind Style: Wind Blade Jutsu," i say and swing my arm outward, causing a fine blade of wind to slice right through the dragon head and destroy it. "Lightning Style: Sparkling Thunderclap." I hold my hands out and clap them once before spreading my hands and sending out a wave of electricity towards Ren.

She evades the Jutsu.

"Earth Style: Earth Wave Jutsu," Rem says, slamming a hand on the ground and flowing her chakra into it. My eyes widen when the ground begins to bob up and down like a wave.

I flow chakra to my feet and use it to remain on the ground. I smirk when the Jutsu stops and I was still on my feet.

"Not bad," Ren says. "Let's see you dodge this one!" She does more hand signs and creates another earth dragon that flies for me.

"Oh, please, not this again," I groan.

"What's the matter? Are you scared, Sumire?" Ren mocks as I launch myself backwards to avoid the dragon's snout as it slams it into the ground.

"As if," I scoff with a roll of my eyes. The dragon flies for me once again and I scowl, trying to get some distance between me and the Jutsu.

"Lightning Buriel: Banquet of Lightning!" I stop a safe distance at and plunge my swords into the ground, sending out my chakra. Lightning races across the ground and strikes the Jutsu, shattering the earth dragon like before.

"Yeah!! Go Kimiko!!" Kiba cheers loudly as I face my opponent with my swords gripped in hand.

"Kiba! Shut it! We're trying to watch her match! You're being too loud!" Ino snaps.

"Same goes for you, Ino Pig!" Sakura snaps as I miss slicing Takeshi again.

"What'd you just call me, Billboard Brow?!" The blue eyed girl shouts back.

"Ino Pig! Ino Pig!" Sakura retorts, making me scowl lowly as I pause in my fighting.

"WILL THE TWO OF YOU SHUT IT?! I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIGHT, AND YOU'RE PISSING ME OFF! DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE!" I snap so harshly, my eyes angry white triangles, causing both Sakura and Ino to cry out, along with those I didn't yell at, and shrink back in fear.

"We're sorry, Kimiko! It won't happen again!" Ino squeals as Shikamaru and Choji tremble.

"Yeah, we're sorry!" Sakura adds, Naruto and Sasuke trembling with wide eyes beside her. Kakashi sweat drops as he also trembles slightly.

I sigh a mushroom sigh and return my attention to Ren.

I brandish my swords as she laughs. "Hah. As if those shiny swords are going to help you against me, Sumire. I'm the best fighter in my village—and the prettiest!" She flicks her purple hair and I heave a groan of exertion as I hang my head.

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