Chapter 47

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Kimiko's P. O. V:

As Naruto continues choking on his salmon, with me calmly eating again, Tsunade finishes dishing out the cards and sets the rest of them on the table. Naruto and I glance questioningly at Jiraiya. He silently holds up five cards.

He says to Tsunade in a low tone, "You've heard about the Third Hokage?" Here, Shizune casts her gaze down sadly.

Tsunade takes up her own cards and fans them as she says knowingly, "It was Orochimaru's doing, right? I heard about. In fact, he told me himself."

I stare at her, trying not to put my hand to my neck. Orochimaru is here...?

As I cast my gaze downward, remembering the purple barrier the Third was trapped in with the snake, Naruto demands to know, "Wait a sec! Are you saying he's the one who killed the old man?"

Naruto demands, looking at Jiraiya, "Who is this Orochimaru guy?!"

I explain, "He's one of the Sannin. Like Tsunade, here." I nod to the blonde woman.

Jiraiya adds, "And yours truly."

Naruto exclaims in confusion, "But, then, why?! The Sannin are all from the Leaf Village, right?! Why'd he do it?"

Tsunade questions dully, "Who's this other brat you've got with you?" Naruto glares at her. Did she just indirectly call me a brat?!

As Jiraiya chuckles, I introduce, "This is Naruto Uzumaki." Tsunade stares at him in surprise.

Naruto bursts out as he jumps to his feet, slamming his hands on the table, "Okay!! Wait a second!" He thrusts his fist on the table, gaining Miyuki's attention. "I haven't finished yet! There's something about this I'm not getting!" He points his thumb at himself before throwing his hands out and nearly hitting my head. "So this guy! You know he's the one who murdered the Hokage?! What have you done about it?!" Neither Sannin say anything. "He's a Sannin, he's one of you guys! Why's he still walking around?! Why haven't you caught him?" Still no response from Jiraiya. "Oh, yeah, and what's this about her being the Fifth Hokage?!"

Jiraiya tells him simply, "Naruto, sit down snd shut up."

"Absolutely not!!"

"Sit down," Jiraiya orders, glaring holes into the back of my teammate's head, causing him to freeze.

Reluctantly, Naruto falls back in his seat.

I finish eating my meal with a content expression on my features.

Jiraiya takes away the three cards at the end of his stack and puts them on the table before taking three more from the deck. He says to Tsunade, "I'll say it once again: the Leaf Village has made its decision. They have chosen you to be the Fifth Hokage." Tsunade gazes at her stack of cards before raising her eyes to Jiraiya. "So... what's your answer? Do you accept it, Tsunade?"

Here, Tsunade closes her eyes as she ponders her answer.

After several heartbeats and I take the last of my soda, Jiraiya says, "Well? I'm waiting. What do you say?"

Naruto groans as he clutches his head and hangs it, "I don't understand any of this!"

Tsunade finally looks back at Jiraiya and throws her cards on the table, facedown, as he says, "Impossible. I decline." We all gasp at this, and Naruto jerks his head up.

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