Chapter 9: oh jeez i cant think of good titles

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Dipper went into the kitchen and looked in the fridge. "Do we have any chicken?" He asked. "For breakfast?" Mabel said weirded out. Dipper bit his lip.

"Wait a second" Mabel said narrowing her eyes. Dipper backed up. Mabel stepped closer and reached her hand out to take off dipper's hat.

Dipper bared his fangs and claws popped out of his fingers. He screamed and tried to cover them but Mabel saw them. "You are still part cat!" She shrieked. "No I'm not!" Dipper yelled trying to cover the claws but knocked off his hat revealing his cat ears.

"OMG!" Mabel squealed. "Your cat ears are adorable!". Dipper glared at her and hid his ears under his hat. His claws went back into his fingers. Mabel hopped up and down. "Wait till I tell the others!" She squealed.

"No!" Dipper yelled. "Please don't tell the others!". "Why?" Mabel asked. "Because it's embarrassing enough to sneeze like a kitten an now I actually am part kitten" he said putting his head in his hands.

"it's okay bro bro" Mabel said encouragingly. "I guess you're right" dipper said standing up. "Hey dipper" Mabel said. "What?" He responded. "I just realised that now you are like half a foot shorter than me" she said stifling a laugh. "What!? No." Dipper said standing back to back with Mabel.

What she had said was true. dipper was half a foot shorter. He groaned. "Don't worry little dipper" Mabel said laughing. Dipper lunged at her but Mabel dodged just in time. "YOU KNOW I HATE THAT NICKNAME!!" Dipper screamed.

"Calm down!" Mabel yelped dodging dipper's attacks. Soos walked in the room. "Dude! You're normal again!" He cried out. Dipper stopped lunging at Mabel. "Yep!" Dipper said. "As normal as I could ever be!". Dipper laughed nervously.

"Hey dude. is that a tail I spy." Soos said looking at a bit of dipper's tail that was poking out of his trousers. "Yeah! That is a tail!" Mabel squealed. "N-no it's not" dipper stammered trying to hide the tail.

"Dude. I already saw it" soos said. Dipper sighed and took off his hat showing his ears. "Cool dude!" Soos said. "He also has retractable claws. RAAAWWWR!" Mabel said excitedly.

Waddles peeked around the corner and saw dipper. Waddles went back behind the corner and whispered "the effects are just as we excepted. We need to bring him in".

"We need to wait" a voice bleated telepathically. "He switches between cat and cat person. Wait till he is a cat then we will bring him in". "And when will that be?" waddles asked. "Soon" the voice replied. "Very soon".

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