Chapter 2: the transformation

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Dipper woke up on the cold stony floor of the cave. The cat's eye wasn't on the pillar anymore. It was nowhere to be seen.

Dipper scratched his nose. It felt cold and wet. "What the!?" He thought. "He looked at his hands. They were still hands. Dipper felt his nose again. It was still cold and wet.

Dipper ran out of the cave and ran to a near by stream. He looked at his reflection and screamed. His nose was black and whiskers where poking out close to it. His pupils where now almost slits.

"Oh no oh no oh no oh no" dipper thought . dipper scratched the back of his neck to find soft fur there. Dipper jerked his hand away from it and fought the urge to scream again.

Dipper ran to the mystery shack, careful not to let anyone see him and ran through the door. Before anyone could see his face he ran up to his room and locked the door.

Mabel looked at soos. "What was that?" She asked. "No Idea hambone. Let's see if dipper is okay" he replied. The walked up to the attic door and knocked on the door. "Dipper? Are you okay?" Mabel asked. Dipper hissed.

"Don't worry hambone" soos said pulling out a screwdriver. "I've got this". Soos unlocked the door and opened it. Dipper was hiding under the covers. "Come out dipper" mabel said. "No!" Dipper replied firmly.

Mabel ran over to his bed and ripped off the covers. Dipper hissed showing pointy teeth. Mabel gasped. "Woah. This is creepy dude" soos said. The fur had started to grow on dipper's face.

"Woah bro bro. What happened" mabel said. "I don't know" dipper said his voice quavering. His ears began to get pointy. "Come on dipper" mabel said. "We can find a way to fix you".

"No!" Dipper shouted. "I'm not going down there". "Why not" mabel asked. "I don't want anyone else to see me like this" he said. His ears where now like a cat's and they where pressed flat against his head.

"Dude don't worry" soos said. "Wear your hat , some gloves, and something to cover your face and you will be good". "Why would gloves and my hat matter" dipper asked.

"Touch your head" mabel said. dipper did so and felt the ears. He began to hyperventilate. "Calm down dipper" soos said. "Now slowly look at your hands". dipper looked at his hands to see claws. Cat claws. He fought the urge to scream.

Dipper disguised himself and went downstairs. Dipper scratched the part of his face that had started to grow fur. More was growing down his back. "Mabel" he whispered tapping her shoulder.

"What?" Mabel responded. "I think I'm growing a tail" he whispered standing on his tip toes to reach her ear. "Did you get smaller?!" Mabel said turning around.

"Hush" dipper said. "I don't want anyone to notice". "I think they're going to notice that you shrunk a foot" mabel snapped. Dipper whimpered.

"I'm sorry dipper..." Mabel started to say. "What is going on here!?" Wendy yelled staring at dipper. Dipper cowered behind mabel. "You have a lot of explaining to do" wendy said.

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