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"Wooyoung! You want to join us?"Yunho ask.

"Not today. Hongjoong will be home today." Wooyoung reply.

"Aahh... Okay! Enjoy your day."They do fist bump and go separate ways.
Wooyoung open the door and saw Hongjoong already sitting in the living room.

"Hye! How's today lecture?" Hongjoong ask.

"It's sucks. I don't like the professor. I think he's gay. He loved to look at me in that way. I feel uncomfortable."Wooyoung muttered.

Hongjoong smiling looking at Wooyoung. He look so cute.

"Wooyoung ah. You look cute."Hongjoong chuckle.

Wooyoung sit beside Hongjoong and cuddle with him.

"You miss me that much?"Hongjoong ask.

Wooyoung nodded.

"But what's the point. You love your studio more than me. And your fans too. I'm no one."Wooyoung pout.

"Who say you're no one? You are my boyfriend isn't it? I miss you too. I just want to protect you okay?"Hongjoong kiss his forehead.

"Same reason again. You already announced to the worlds. But I'm safe and sounds."Wooyoung push Hongjoong away.

"Aww.. My baby is sulking? Are you jealous?"Hongjoong pull Wooyoung to sit on his lap. "I'll spend my night here?"

"Just one night?" Wooyoung ask.

"No. One week. Is that okay?"Hongjoong raised his eyebrow.

Wooyoung nodded happily.

"Go take a bath. We're going out."Hongjoong say.

"But..." Wooyoung look at Hongjoong. "I want to cuddle with you more."

"We can do that at night. Okay baby?"Hongjoong kiss his cheeks.

Wooyoung nodded. He take his bag and walk in his room.

"Hongjoong! Do you want to take a bath with me?!"Wooyoung shout from the room.

"Yah! Don't test me! Hurry up!"Hongjoong chuckle.
Wooyoung hold Hongjoong hand. They walk in the crowd calmly. But suddenly Hongjoong grab the younger waist. That's make him flustered.

"Hongjoong... We're in the public. People can see us."Wooyoung say.

"So what? You're mine. That's not a problem."Hongjoong smirk.
"Hye! Can I have 2 tickets for the best romantic movie?"Hongjoong ask.

"Yeah sure. Do you want to sit in the front row?"The cashier ask.

"Nah! The last row please."Hongjoong smile.

"Here you go."The cashier pass the tickets and Hongjoong pay for it.

"You want popcorn honey?"Hongjoong ask.

Wooyoung widen his eyes. Seriously Hongjoong? In the public?

"I bet you want."Hongjoong go to buy the popcorns.

Wooyoung waiting for Hongjoong. He put his hand on his pocket.

"Hye. Wooyoung. Are you here for me?"

Wooyoung look at the owner of the voice. He was shocked to see Yeosang standing in front of him.

"Y-Yeosang?" Wooyoung flustered.

"Why? Do you surprised to see me? I guess we're mean for each other. I met you here."Yeosang smile.

"I need to go. Have a nice day."Wooyoung walk away.

"Aren't you supposed to say see you again? It's look like you don't want to see me again."Yeosang say stopped Wooyoung.

Wooyoung feel his feet shaking.

"Baby you okay?"Hongjoong hold his hand.

Wooyoung look at Hongjoong's with tears he hold in his eyes. He immediately hug Hongjoong.

"Why? What's happened?"Hongjoong look around if there's anything that scared Wooyoung. "Why? Is anyone say anything to you?"Hongjoong ask.

Wooyoung shook his head.

"Let's go. The movie will start soon." Wooyoung hold Hongjoong's hand.

HOLD MY WORDS - woojoong Where stories live. Discover now