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"Hyung!" Jongho was excited to see Wooyoung.

Seonghwa try to stop him but he got to escape. Jongho hug Wooyoung's feet. Wooyoung kneel down to him.

"Jongho yah. After this, don't call me hyung anymore. Call me papa. Like you used to."Wooyoung say.

"You remember me?"Jongho ask.

Wooyoung nodded. "From now, you will stay with me. We can meet daddy, and be happy."Wooyoung say.

"Seonghwa hyung? What about him?"Jongho look at Seonghwa.

"Jongho look at me. Seonghwa hyung, will have his own life. He won't meet you again."Wooyoung say.

"But you will take care of me, right?"Jongho ask.

Wooyoung nodded. "I will. Let's go home. Daddy waiting for you."Wooyoung carry Jongho.

"Wooyoung ah."Seonghwa grab his hand. "Please. Don't take him away. He is my life."Seonghwa begging.

"Hyung, you already take Hongjoong. I don't care to back off. But, Jongho is my son. Our son. You can't claim him as yours. I'm sorry. Hyung."Wooyoung walk away living them.

"What do you want? Do you want ice cream?"Yunho ask Jongho.

"Yes!"Jongho laugh.

Seonghwa fall on his knee. Hongjoong hug him.

"It's okay. You can see him. It's okay."
"Wait here. I want to get my things."Wooyoung say.

"Okay."Jongho sit on the couch.

Wooyoung packing his belongings. He look at his photo with Hongjoong. He left it on the desk with his diary.
Hongjoong open the door and saw Jongho on the couch.

"Jongho... Come here."Hongjoong say with smile.

"I can't. Papa say I can't meet you anymore."Jongho say.

"Jongho. come here."Wooyoung call him.

Jongho walk to Wooyoung.

"Didn't you think, your decision is immature? You stop him from meet me and Seonghwa. Seonghwa already help to take care of him. And you're moving out now?"Hongjoong ask.

"I left some money. For your car that I crash when I run from Yeosang. Your time you have spend on me. My college fees, they already refund you in your account. I owe you nothing anymore. Thank you, for everything."Wooyoung carry Jongho and walk out from the house.

"Wooyoung!"Hongjoong shout but Wooyoung ignore him.
time skip//
Wooyoung knock on the door. Soon, Yeosang open the door.

"Wooyoung? Where's San and Yunho?"Yeosang ask.

"Daddy!"Jongho hug him.

"Jongho?"Yeosang was shocked.

"I miss you."Jongho say with smiley face.

Yeosang hug him tightly. "I miss you too. I'm sorry. I didn't take care of you. I give you to someone else."

"You cry? Why did you cry?"Jongho ask.

"Daddy cry because he miss you."Wooyoung say.

"Papa say, I can stay with you."Jongho say.

"Of course. But, Jongho. You need to know, I and papa didn't stay together anymore."Yeosang say.

"I know. Papa already told me. I can stay with you this week. And go to papa next week."Jongho say.

"You're so smart. Who do get it from?"Yeosang brush his hair.

"Here. You bag."Wooyoung give his bag to Jongho.

Jongho get in the house.

"Yeosang ah. Seonghwa hyung and Hongjoong might find Jongho. Please. Don't let them take him. Only you can bring him out."Wooyoung remind him.

"Don't worry. You can come over, if you want to play with him.

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