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Wooyoung turn on his iPad.

Kim Hongjoong new albums featuring Park Seonghwa become hit.

................."this album is full of love. it's all about love. a perfect love."- Kim Hongjoong......
.........."I really happy to work together with Hongjoong. This album is so sweet."- Park Seonghwa........

"Is this album about their past?"- netizen

"Ah I hate it."Wooyoung sigh.

He turn it off and grab his jacket.

"Yunho ah! San ah! I'm going out!"Wooyoung shout.

He put on his shoes and drive away.
Seonghwa sitting on a bench waiting for Wooyoung.

"So what do you want?"Wooyoung ask as soon as he arrive.

"I just want to say I'm sorry. I make a mistakes. I thought Hongjoong still love me. I'm wrong, he only think about you right now."Seonghwa say.

"Csk. He didn't even try to call me. How can I trust you?"Wooyoung ask.

"He feel guilty to you. He also think that you already get back with Yeosang since you have Jongho. He can't focus on his album."Seonghwa take a breath. "Our album, it's about you. Hongjoong look through your old chats and start writing everything. I guess you didn't hear Empty Space yet."

"So what else did you want from me? I need to pick Jongho from Yeosang's home. I'm in a rush."Wooyoung say.

"Hongjoong, please give him another chance. He just make a mistake."Seonghwa say.

"Chance? You don't have right to ask me to give him chance. Why don't you give him one?"Wooyoung raised his eyebrow. He want to walk away.

"I can't live longer."Seonghwa say stopping Wooyoung. He turn around to look at Seonghwa.


Seonghwa give him the envelope.

"That's my lab report. I have blood cancer. I just thought to spend time with Hongjoong and feel his love. I just couldn't get it. Now I know. I can be happy if I see both of you happy. Wooyoung ah. Please."
time skip//
"Who are we waiting for?"Hongjoong ask.

"Can't you just keep your mouth shut and just wait?"Seonghwa chuckle.

"I just curious."Hongjoong say.

Who's not? They're waiting at the bus stop!

"Hongjoong ah. I'm sorry. I make you and Wooyoung break up. One more thing, promise me you'll always be happy. Take care of Wooyoung and don't let him go again."Seonghwa look at Hongjoong with lovely eyes.

"Why are you saying that? Did I missed something?"Hongjoong ask.


Hongjoong look across the street. It's Wooyoung waving at him.

"Wooyoung!"Hongjoong stand up excited.
San and Yunho walk slowly to reach San. Wooyoung running to Hongjoong. He didn't realize a car speeding in his direction.


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