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"Where's Hongjoong?"Yeosang ask.

"Gone. He always think about work. He don't have quality time like you."Wooyoung say.

That's mean you still have chance.

Wooyoung shook his head.

"So where are you going now? You look pale."Yeosang ask.

"I didn't feel well. But I don't want to go home."Wooyoung say. "I want to rest."

"You want me to ask Yunho to pick you up?"Yeosang look at Wooyoung. He was shocked when Wooyoung's mouth bleeding.

"Wooyoung?!"Yeosang was shocked. He take out his phone. "Mingi! Please..."
"San! Hurry up follow me!"Yunho shout.

"Why?"San come out from his room shirtless.

"WHERE'S YOUR SHIRT?! Hurry up!"Yunho push San.

"Why?!"San ask again.

Yunho knocked on the door and soon Mingi appears.

"How's him?"Yunho ask. He follow Mingi to Yeosang's room.

"YOU'RE HERE?!"San was shocked.

Yeosang nodded.

"It's been 2 months. He fainted."Yeosang say.

"Why was he with you? And not Hongjoong hyung?"Yunho ask.

"They fight. Wooyoung say Hongjoong leave him to work."Yeosang telling the truth. "I'll leave if you feel uncomfortable."Yeosang walk out from his room.

"I think he got to much pressure. Did anything happened? His mouth bleeding. That's show that he didn't take his medicine and he is too stress."Mingi say.

"That must be due to final exam. We're gonna having final exam next week."Yunho say.

"Aren't we supposed to tell Hongjoong hyung?"San ask.

"No. Let's just bring him home. San, can you get his stuff without Hongjoong hyung know?"Yunho look at San.

San nodded.

"San. You can use my car. The black one."Mingi say. He get his car key.

"I'll bring him home. I'll see you later when he got well."Yunho say.

"It's okay babe... Take your time okay. You can call me if anything happened."Mingi say.

Yunho nodded. He carry Wooyoung into his car. He saw Yeosang sitting alone looking at the flowers.

"Yeosang. If you was really sorry and have changed. You can come to see Wooyoung when you want. But, if you think to get him back. You better stay away from him."Yunho say.

"Thank you."that's the only thing he could say.

Yunho get in the car and drive away.
Hongjoong saw Seonghwa already waiting in his studio.

"I'm sorry. I stuck in jam."Hongjoong say.

"It's okay. Are you sure you can work with me now?"Seonghwa ask.

"Yeah sure. There's no problem. Let's start."Hongjoong turn on his PC.

"should I tell him?'

HOLD MY WORDS - woojoong Where stories live. Discover now