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Wooyoung look at Hongjoong is on call with his manager. He then look at Jongho already sleeping in his arm.

"You must be so tired."He kiss Jongho's cheek.

"You love kid huh?"

"Yeah I do. But-" Wooyoung was shocked. He thought it was Hongjoong but he see Yeosang instead. Yeosang sit beside him without hesitation.

"I love kid too. Our kid."Yeosang smirk.

Wooyoung carry Jongho and walk to Hongjoong.

"Joong. I want to go home. I'm tired."Wooyoung say. He looking back at Yeosang. He still there looking at him smiling.

"Okay I'll call you back."Hongjoong hang up. "Why?"he ask.

"Jongho has fall asleep. It's not good for kid to stay outside until late night."Wooyoung say.

Hongjoong smile. "You're just like my mom. Let's go."Hongjoong hold Wooyoung's hand.
Yeosang look at them drive away.

"So you're pushing me huh? Jung Wooyoung. Did you forget. I used to be your boyfriend. I even get you a baby."Yeosang say.

He look at his screen phone. It's Wooyoung's photo.

"I'm gonna take back. What's mine."he smirk.
time skip//
"You're home?"Mingi close his laptop.

"Why you're not sleeping yet?"Yeosang ask.

"Did you go to meet Wooyoung? Again?"Mingi look at him seriously.

"What's the problem? He's my boyfriend."

"He USED to... He is your ex now. Kang Yeosang can't you just let him go? You're the one who break his heart."

"SHUT THE F- UP!" Yeosang raised his voice. "I didn't break his heart. I left him for a while. When I come home, he already have someone else. In other way to say he cheated but he still mine."

"You're such a psycho."Mingi say. He couldn't believe Yeosang would be this bad. He walk to his room.

"Yah!"Yeosang grab his hand. "If you try to do anything or to warn them. I'm gonna make sure you won't speak ever again."

"You're threatening me? Yah. I'm not afraid." Mingi say. He pull his hand and go to his room.

"Shibal!"Yeosang throw the flower pot to the wall. "No one can stop me. No one."

He look at the mirror. "You gonna help me. I know you will."he laugh.
time skip//
Hongjoong still focused on his laptop screen. He try to write a new song to confess his feeling. But he couldn't get any idea. He turn on his phone and look back at Wooyoung's chat.

"You give me so much idea. I don't know where to start now."he smiling alone.

Soon his smile fade when he heard Wooyoung screaming. He rushing to the bedroom.

"Woo!"he saw Wooyoung clutching bed sheets and he's sweating.

"Wooyoung! Wooyoung!"He shake the other body.

But Wooyoung keep pushing him away and hit him as if he is someone else.

"Wooyoung! It's me! Me!"Hongjoong force him to look clearly.

Wooyoung hug him back. He pat the younger's back softly.

"Shhhh... I'm here. You're safe."He whispered.

"I just want so sleep. Hongjoong ah. Why?"Wooyoung crying.

"Shhh... It's okay. It's nothing. Take your medicine. And you'll be okay." Hongjoong take the pill box and give it to Wooyoung.

Hongjoong lay beside him and hug him to sleep.

HOLD MY WORDS - woojoong Where stories live. Discover now