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"Wooyoung!"Hongjoong shout. He know Wooyoung didn't realize he's waiting.

Wooyoung waving and run to him. He jump on Hongjoong receiving a laugh from Yunho and San.

"Like this world is their."San say.

"Yunho, San. Do you want me to send you guys home?"Hongjoong ask.

"it's okay. We need to have some date."Yunho say.

"By the way. Wooyoung say he craving pineapple juice."San say.

"Yah! I told you to shut up!"Wooyoung hit San.

"Are we having baby?"Hongjoong ask.

"impossible! Hongjoong! I'm a man."Woosan pout.

They laugh. "I'm kidding. Let's go."Hongjoong open the door for Wooyoung.

"See you later!"San and Yunho left by their own.
time skip//
Seonghwa looking at the agreement.

"Do I need to tell him?"

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Seonghwa hide the agreement and open the door.

Wooyoung feed Hongjoong.

"Mmm... Delicious. Do you want to try mine?"Hongjoong ask.

"It has peanut. I saw they put it."Wooyoung say.

"Wooyoung ah... I have something to tell you."Hongjoong waiting for Wooyoung reaction.

"What?"Wooyoung ask looking at him.

"I know, I promise you that I'll stay for a week. But, I suddenly have a job. And I need to do it. So-"

Wooyoung cut Hongjoong's word when he put down the fork and making a loud sound.

"Wooyoungie... I didn't mean it. I promise-"

"Just go. You never care about me all of this time. You only care about job."Wooyoung say. "Right. You work to let me study. Then I'll stop. I'll start working."

"Baby,no. It's not because of you. You still can continue your study."Hongjoong hold Wooyoung's hand but he pull it away.

"I was happy with you. You protect me, you love me. But, if to compare about time, I preferred Yeosang."Wooyoung grab his bag and walk out from the restaurant.

"Wooyoung ah!"Hongjoong chase him but Wooyoung already running far away.
Wooyoung stop at the alley. He hug his knees and start crying. Suddenly, he feel a hand wrapped around him. But weirdly, he feel so comfortable. He raised his head and saw Yeosang.

He quickly push him and walk away.

"Wooyoung!"Yeosang called stop him. "I'm sorry. I know I hurt you before. I was wondering if we can be friend?"

Wooyoung turn around and look at Yeosang.

"I'm truly sorry. I know I was wrong to you."Yeosang say. Wooyoung running to hug Yeosang.

"I miss you."Wooyoung say. Tears falling down his face.

"Me too. I'm sorry."Yeosang say.

HOLD MY WORDS - woojoong Where stories live. Discover now