Chapter 15: We're coming

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(This chapter is edited) 

   She was walking down the hall carrying her stuff for class. She was really late. So late that two classes had already gone by ,and it had been halfway through third hour. She walked rapidly down the halls not wanting to run ,only because her friend had said so. She remembered her first day of Smash University where her, Link, and Pit ran down the halls. The slightest thought of her missing friend brought tears to her eyes as she remembered almost all of her friends had been missing and her boyfriend had left her. That's why she was so late. She couldn't stop thinking about Robin. Her sad moment was interrupted when she heard a voice behind her say," Lucina? Your very late for class you know." She turned around to see Master Hand behind her.

  "I-I'm sorry," she stuttered trying to hide her tears. "Lucina we'll take care of everything don't worry." Lucina nodded and went back to walking to her class. She finally made it to the door of her third class. When she opened it everyone turned around to look at her. "Sorry I'm late," she said to Ms. Lynn.

  "Stay after class Lucina," Lyn said. Lucina sighed and took a seat next to Link. Then Lynn proceeded to teach. While Lucina was trying to pay attention on how to trick your opponent a note appeared on her desk. She looked around trying to make out who it could be. She figured it was Link since he sat next to her. She opened up the note and read to herself. We're coming , It said.

  She looked to the right of her where Link sat ,but Link was paying attention to the lesson. He didn't have his pencil out either. She looked behind her and saw Dark Pit ,but it couldn't have been him he didn't have any friends. She quickly turned around to see who was in front of her. It was Mario ,but he wouldn't pass notes. Finally to the left of her was Bowser. It wouldn't be him either, Lucina thought to herself. It could've been anyone in the class though maybe someone asked if one of them could pass it to me. Throughout class she tried to put together who it could've been. Then the bell rang ,and everyone headed to lunch.

  Lucina grabbed the note and shoved it into her backpack ,and stayed in the class room waiting for her punishment. Lynn waited for everyone to leave then started to talk. "Lucina just so you know you're not in trouble," Lynn said causing Lucina to sigh in releif. "I just wanted to tell you that your father has been acting very strange lately."

"What do you mean by strange?" Lucina asked concerned.

"He hasn't been coming to the meetings we have, he always looks tired, and he always says that he's working on something."

"Do you know what he's working on?"

  "Well I think he's working on something for you ,but I also think he's working on something that Master Hand told him to do. Look the point is I want you to keep an eye on him. I know this may be strange, but you're his daughter so you're closest to him."

   Lucina nodded, grabbed her backpack, and left the room. She headed to lunchroom surprised she didn't get a punishment ,but happy she didn't. Once she sat down at the table her friends were at they all stared at her. "Is there something I can help you with?"She asked confused.

"Well tell us what happened," Ike begged.

"Oh nothing really she just had a talk with me," Lucina replied.

"About?" Samus asked.

"Just about showing up on time," she lied.

"Oh," the group sighed bored of the story.

"But why didn't you come our first two classes?" Link asked, as the rest of the group looked up at Lucina interested again. "I-I um I didn't set my alarm to the right time," Lucina quickly said, ending the groups interest once more. For the rest of lunch the group ate in silence. The bell finally rang and they all headed to their 4th class of the day. All through class Lucina thought about why she really didn't come to class.

Flashback to the morning
Lucina woke with the sound of her annoying alarm clock beeping so loud that it could be a fire alarm. She slammed her hand on the object to make it stop. Lucina sat up and got ready for the day. She was all ready for another boring day at school. She had put her hand on the door knob ,but as soon as she did a memory appeared in her head. It was that first kiss with him with Robin. They were dating and everything was happy. Even though they kept their loves secret to their friends they knew that they would figure it out. Lucina was happy until she got another memory of the day Robin left.

As soon as the memory had finished Lucina became light headed. She then fainted in front of her door. A couple hours later she woke up and slowly got up from the floor. She looked at her clock to see the time which was 9:17. She slowly got up still recovering. She picked up her things then opened the door and headed to class. She didn't want her friends to know because it made her sound weak. Its true she still loved him ,and she hoped he still loved her.

In MasterHands office

His door quickly shot open with Midna standing there looking as shocked as ever. "Midna what's wrong?" MasterHand asked.

"Come with me you have to see this," she said exaggerating the word have. MasterHand followed Midna until they were outside. There three figures stood. Two were all scratched up and bloody ,but the other hadn't gotten even the smallest scratch. "P-Peach!Zelda! Marth!" MasterHand shouted in surprise. Zelda and Marth were horribly injured but Peach just fine. "MasterHand I'll explain everything ,but we need to hurry inside," Peach said. MasterHand quickly let them in with no hesitation. MasterHand led them to his office with Midna as well.

"Midna I need you to bring Zelda and Marth to Nurse Daisy ,and make sure no one sees them," MasterHand said. Midna nodded and lead Zelda and Marth to the nurse. He then turned to Peach and said,"tell me everything."

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