Chapter 4: Peggy's POV (Wedding Day)

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My nerves are shot to bits

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My nerves are shot to bits. I don't know why. I know I'm doing the right thing. This is what my parents want. This is their happiness. If this would make them happy, I'm taking the challenge. I'm alone, my first few reflective moments of the day and probably the last. I need this moment with me. Just me my self. As Peggy Carter. It will change in a few minutes. Which is my surname. 

Yes, it's my wedding day.

It's the day I'm going to give myself to some one that I don't know. To someone that I have no idea who he is. I'm trying to gather my mind, to be positive, to be happy but all those words from that man in the elevator, "He's not right for you, girl  and "Don't regret later," is just crossing my mind. As the clock is ticking, so does my heartbeat is pounding way too fast. Looks like my heart is gonna explode in any second. 

I tries to listen to some music and roll my shoulders in an attempt to dispel some of the growing tension. It's not working. Pulling myself up, I walk toward the big mirror in the room. Despise my unease, I'm looking fresh, with my light and natural make-up. My dark brown hair has been glossed to within inch of its life. After adjusting my hair slightly, I turned towards the door where my wedding gown is hanging. It's white, with lace back and tiny pearls sewn here and there. It's beautiful. Mother's choice. She knows what is best for me. 

I take the gown in my hand and walks to the middle of the room to put it on. It's midday. In just an hour, I'll be meeting my husband to be and taking my vows. My stomach does a swift three-sixty turn again. I pull the gown to my body and walks towards the mirror for a view.

There's a quite knock on the door. My time is up. "Yes?" I call. 

"Honey, are you decent?" It's my Mum. 

I opened the door. "I'm decent and I need your help,"

She pushes her way in and eyeing me up and down. I know what comes after.

"My little girl has all grown up," Mum said, holding my face with her hands. "I still remember the day I held you with this hand. It was my beautiful day," she sobs. And now, you're gonna be a wife. I'm so proud of you. You will always be our little girl," she kisses my temple. 

"Mum, stop, please," I said, controlling my tears from falling. I hugged my Mum knowing I'm going to be away from her after my wedding. 

Mum sweeps my hair from my shoulder. She's looking at me thoughtfully. "Honey, here please sit. I want to give you some advice," she points to the leather couch and sits with me.

"You see, Peg, when you becomes a wife, you're becoming the core of your husband," she pats my hand. "Let him be in charge, let him have the authority, but always be sober. Never let him take away your independence and your identity," she says.

"Mum, it's not necessary," I lied. It is necessary for me. Especially after all those bad comments I get by marrying him. 

"It's not what you think it is. Men are complicated creatures.  One day, they'll worship you and the other day they'll trample you," she says. "And you my darling, always be YOU. Don't change for anyone or anything. Do what is right for you. Don't be scared of it". mum adds.

My eyes are swimming and I really cannot take it. I need to talk to my mum. I need to tell her I'm not into the wedding. I wanna be her child all life. 

"But, Mum.... ," my words stop as the room door opens without a knock. It's Gwyn, my best friend with zero manners.

"What you guys doing?," she says. "Everyone's here. And oh my God, he's here, Peg." she says as she walks towards me and shaking me harder.

"He what,?" eyeing her.

"Yes he. The groom. Your husband I mean to be. Waiting for you at the hall,"

I'm shaking now. With fear. "Why is he too early,?" I ask. What a stupid question. He is the groom and for sure he needs to be early. Gwyn rolls her eyes.

"Stop all your silly questions, Peg," Mum says. "And get ready. I'm gonna go and see your Dad before he passed out," she leaves me with Gywn. Mum closes the door behind her.

"Peg, let's be real. I saw him. He's like a God. He's way to handsome," she said.

I roll my eyes, knowing my friend's flirting issue for 15 years. She has way too many boyfriends. She changes boyfriend as how I change the flavors of ice-cream. And the last, she was dating my nephew Rob. They broke up last week.

"I was eyeing all the soldiers at the hall. They're rough and tough. You're one lucky fellow," she slaps my shoulder.

"Ouch! It hurts," I said

"Alright, show's over. Let's get going, Mrs Roger," 

I throw a her a filthy look and stand up, holding my gown and adjusting my hair.

As we both reach the bottom floor near the hall, my Dad is standing there, smiling towards me. Tears gather in my eyes, knowing how much he wants to see me like this. 

"I need to do this for my dad," I whisper.

As I reach him, he hugs me and holds me tight. 

"I'm so proud of you. My little girl, you will make me proud," he says, pulling me away from his chest.

"I will, Dad. I'm your girl. I will never spoil it,"

He smiles brightly. "Shall we go in?," he says, nudges me his elbow. please no. I'm not. That is what playing in my brain. But for my Dad i said "Yes, Dad. I'm ready," following him to the wedding hall

He walks me to the aisle and my nervous and panic heart is increasing rapidly. Group of men standing and as how Gywn describes, they're rough and tough. I bet they're soldiers.

I know all the heads are turned in my direction, but it's the tall, black suited man at the end of the aisle who holds my attention. He's facing the other way . All I can see his back position. It's him. The man that I'm going to spend the rest of my life. The man that I'm gonna married. The man, who will make me to bear his children. The man that is going to separate me from my parents. This is the man that I hear all the bad comments.

We reach to the end of the aisle. Dad leaves my hand. I'm now standing beside him. I refuse to look at him, fear that I might passed out or run away.

The priest is standing in front of us. Talking and praying something but all I can hear is the sound of my inner voice saying," Run away. Don't regret later," I was snapped out of my thought as the priest asks us to face each other. This is it. I was praying in my heart to prevent me from fainting or passing out. 

I turns toward him, looking at my feet. I closes my eyes for a brief moment, gaining all the strength that I have and taking my first look of the man in front of me.

HOLY SHIT!!! I gasps.

My heart stops. My eyes refusing to leave those greenish blue eyes staring at me. That's it. My very first sight of him, Captain Steve Rogers. 

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