They'll be the death of me ~ Ontario Backstory

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This takes place back before 1800 and before the American revolution, although I don't know the exact year. They're all physical either children or teens. Also, the Province of Canada is a completely different person for the present day Canada.



Ontario's POV

"Tari!" BC whined as we walked. "How much longer?!"

"We're almost home, calm down. Next time you can go help Alberta if you want to complain about this." I looked down at him. His face flashed fear and he flung himself at me, quickly burying his face into my stomach as he hugged me.

"Don't make me go with her!" He cried.

"Well then don't complain about a simple walk." I stated as I moved him back and took his hand, starting to walk again.

I had to get some things done in town today and BC had no other work or chores for today, and there was no way I was leaving him home alone. So now I'm stuck listening to his mopping about a short walk.

"It's not a simple walk! We've been walking for hours!"

"BC, it's been under half an hour." I looked down at him.

"Still." He pouted.

"Oh, you know who else might like your help? North, Yukon, and Toba. I'm sure they would appreciate an extra set of hands." I teased.

"Nooooo!" He cuddled into my side. I gave a small chuckle.

I looked around the trail we were walking down. It was next to a forest and a field. Both were absolutely gorgeous to look at, especially with the sun setting.

"And now it's dark..." He cuddled closer as we walked. I could see small beads of tears forming in his eyes. This boy will be the death of me.

"Look, there's the house." I stated. I could see the relief on his face.

I opened the door. There were still people everywhere. House staff, soldiers, workers from the fields, and all sorts of random people. It was nice to have so many people around all the time but it could be a bit much, and there was never any chance of a quiet moment. As we walked down the hall to the rooms I heard a voice behind us.

"Did you finalize the papers?" I turned to see the Province of Canada, much to my dismay.

"Yes I did." I stated as I handed her the papers I had been holding in my free hand.

"Good, at least I can rely on one of you being useful." She stated before walking off. Just the sound of her voice makes my skin crawl.

We continued walking and finally made it to the rooms. The rooms were where we would all actually live. There was one big room with some common space in the centre. There was a table in the centre for meals and that's about it, pretty bare bones. Then along three of the walls there were bedrooms. There was an open indoor balcony the looked over the common space, if you walked up the stairs to get there you would find more bedrooms on that 'second story'. The younger kids rooms are on the 'main floor', and then the older ones are on the 'second floor'.

BC quickly ran over and took a seat at the table. No one else seems to be here yet. I walked over and took a seat next to him. We sat there for a bit before finally the door opened.

"My goodness, Brunswick how do you manage to get this much ink on your hand?" Quebec questioned as her and New Brunswick entered the room. She was holding one of his hands in such a way his palm was completely visible, and completely covered in ink.

"Sorry... It was an accident..." He shyly stated as she brought him over to me.

"Any ideas?" She asked. I took a look. I think I still have some water from washing up this morning.

"Here." I got up and led him to my room.

"I really didn't mean to..." He quietly said as I sat him down on my bed.

"I know you didn't, but you really need to be careful." I said as I dipped a cloth in water.

"So you won't tell them?" He asked sheepishly as I started cleaning off his hand.

"No I won't, don't worry." I responded.

I finally managed to get the ink off and we walked back out to the common area. Almost everyone was back by this point. Everyone except for two people.

"Where are Manitoba and Northwest?" I asked as we went over to the table.

"We couldn't find Toba so North went to go look for him." Alberta told me.

"I see..." I really hop he isn't where I think he is. I looked to see that the food hadn't been brought yet. "Why don't we all head back to our rooms, I have some more work to catch up on and I'm sure the rest of you do as well." I stated.

I saw Alberta look down at Nina and then over PEI and then to Brunswick. They aren't gonna get any work done, I know that full well.

"Ok then!" Berta said happily as she took Nuna's hand and went into her room, followed by PEI and Brunsy.

The rest of us all went into our rooms. I mainly just don't want anyone in the common room when the two of them come back, just in case. I got out some paper work and started working on it. I don't know how much time past before I heard a knock on my door and heard the door open.

"Busy." I simply stated, assuming it was Quebec with some petty nonsense.

"It's kinda an emergency." I heard North say. I looked back to see the concern in his face. I sighed as I got up and got some materials for tending to wounds.

"Toba and the punishment room?" I asked as I gathered the supplies.

"Yeah..." He stated quietly. I got the rest of the things and we went over to Toba's room. I walked in to see him bruised and bloody on the floor.

"My goodness." I quickly walked over and got to work. As I worked I tried to lighten the mood. "Thank you for at least not going on the bed and staining it like last time." Toba gave a small chuckle.

"After how much of a hard time you gave me I sure wasn't going to let him put me on it again." Toba tried smile but quickly winced in pain as I kept bandaging his wounds. North just shook his head at the comment as he looked out the window. I finished bandaging up his wounds and then started cleaning up. He slowly sat up, taking a moment to adjust.

"Now, do I want to know?" Before he could answer the door flung open.

"Foods here." We saw Alberta standing there. As she looked at each of us her eyes landed on Toba. Her face immediately brightened. "There you are!" She excitedly said as she ran over and gave him a hug. Both North and I were able to see the pained expression he made at the hug, but he quickly covered it with a soft smile and hugged her back.

"Dinner's here! Come on." She stood up and reached out her and to help him get up as well. He accepted it, and with the help of North as well, he stood up. Berta took both their hands and skipped off, leading them to the common room. I walked back to my room to put the things away.

These guys really will be the death of me.

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