Labrador, I'm sorry ~ Newfoundland Backstory

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This story is giving the background for why Newfie drinks so much. This is also the backstory for why Newfie is "Newfoundland and Labrador" as opposed to those being separate people.

In this, when they say "Britain" it's referring to the British Empire. She's a different person from modern day Britain/UK.

And one additional note, at this point the states wouldn't be states or referred to as states. I just used 'states' cause it was honestly the easiest way to refer to them. But they are the 13 colonies at this point.

Warning: This story contains violence and alcoholism. If this is something that you don't do well with I suggest skipping this one.


"I love you Newfie." She looked up at me with saddened eyes, I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

No. I couldn't let this happen. I couldn't let her die. I stepped in front of her, locking eyes with the tyrant we're forced to listen too.

"Please don't kill her! Kill me instead!" I pleaded with her, of course she wouldn't hear any of it.

"Newfoundland, please step away from her, you're making this harder than it needs to be." She stated blankly. There was no remorse or pain for what she was about to do, if anything, a small smile was creeping onto her mostly blank expression.

"No." I stated, she was taken aback and quickly became angry. "I'm not letting you kill her!"

"Newfie..." I felt her gently place her hands on my forearm. "...It's ok..." Her voice was quiet and broken.

The guards started making their ways toward us. I was panicking at this point, what do I do now?! Suddenly, something was chucked at one of the guards. I couldn't tell what was thrown but it turned everyone's attention to the person who threw it.

"Back off you pieces of sh*t!" Mass yelled, the others all rallying behind her. While they were all still processing that Nova jumped over the fencing type thing they had put up to keep this exact thing from happening. She ran over to us and grabbed her wrist, starting to book it down the hallway, I quickly followed after them.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I caught up to them.

"Out of here." Nova stated as we turned a corner.

"You guys don't need to do this, it's fine." Labrador stated as she was struggling not to fall over.

"No it's not." Nova and I stated.

We made it to one of the unguarded side doors and ran out. After a while it was clear we were running to the docks. Suddenly we could hear a group of people behind us. I looked over as I continued to run to see the states were running over.

"They're coming!" Maryland yelled.

We started running faster. Some of the states caught up, and others trailed behind but continued to run. Labrador was clearly getting more and more upset.

"What exactly is the plan?" She asked.

"Boat." Nova stated. She hadn't stopped or looked back once. It was clear she had more of a plan then just 'boat', but I doubt any of us were thinking enough to ask further.

We finally made it to the docks and for the first time came to a stop. Nova finally let go of Lab's wrist. Finally being freed from Nova's grasp, and being able to just pause and think again, Lab started crying, hard. The crying plus the previous running caused her to go into a coughing fit and fall down.

I bent down and pulled her into a hug, trying to calm her down and help her stop coughing. Nova looked around and tapped her foot impatiently.

"Ok I get this is a lot but you've got to get on the boat." She explained.

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