Noted ~ Newfoundland Backstory

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This takes place after former Rupert's land joins Canada, so 1871, shortly before BC joined.

Warning: Alcohol plays a huge role in this one, so if that's something you're not comfortable with, you might want to skip this one.

That being said, I hope you enjoy!


Newfoundland's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was spinning. My head hurt like crazy, it was like someone was smacking me in the head with a hammer.

I felt someone tug at my sleeve. I looked over to see PEI, he looked concerned.

"Newfie? Are you ok?" He asked quietly.

"Y-Yeah." I muttered quietly under my breath.

Slowly I sat up, which most definitely didn't help the spinning. I looked around the small dark room. There were bottles and such scattered across the floor, the drapes were closed, and there were stains everywhere. Not that any of that was a new sight.

"What do we have for food?" I asked him as I stood up. As I did a bottle rolled off of the couch and hit the floor. I just stared at it.

"W-We still have some bread..." He told me. I sighed and walked into the kitchen area. The entire thing was one room. The living room, dining room, kitchen, storage, the only thing that had a door separating it was the bathroom. The second floor was the same, it was all one room were we would sleep.

I took out the quarter of a loaf that was left and just stared at it.

"Where's BC?" I asked, not looking away from the bread.

"I don't know, he left really early and told me not to worry about where he's going." Princey told me.

I know exactly where he went. Now that he can be connected directly to the rest of Canada he wants to join. I have no doubt they'll take him. But the more that they leave, the less Britain pays attention to us. Being a dominion isn't as great as I thought it would be...

Almost as if on cue the door opened and he walked in. All happy and bright. Of course the second he laid eyes on the state of everything all of that quickly drained and his usual, or at least what had come to be usual, grumpy expression took over. He used to be such a nice kid. Scared of his own shadow, yes, but he was nice. This house is enough to make even that happiest puppy depressed. I don't blame him for wanting to leave, doesn't mean I'm happy about it though.

"Hey..." I said, looking back to the bread.

"Hello." He simply stated. He was already trying to get rid of his English accent, I can't believe him.

"Where were you?" I asked him, walking back into the 'living room'.

"That's none of your business." He stated blankly again.

"I believe it is." I responded, crossing my arms. My head was still pounding but I have bigger problems now. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Princey back up a bit.

"No, it's not." He said again.

"You were in another one of your stupid meetings to join Canada, weren't you?" I said.

"They're not stupid."

"Yes, they are. You have everything you need here."

"You can keep lying to yourself all you want but I'm done living like this, I want out." I could feel my blood boil as he said that.

"I'm not lying to myself! Your just a traitor!" I yelled.

"Just because no one wants you doesn't mean you need to be a d*ck to everyone else!" He yelled back.

Now, I will completely admit and own up to the fact that what I did next was absolutely wrong. I still hate myself for doing this, but, I walked up to him, and slapped him. Right across the face. I wasn't thinking, just acting. I could hear PEI softly crying from where he was frozen in place.

BC slowly looked back up at me, tears stinging his eyes. He stared into my eyes, and I stared right back.

"You know, I think I like you better when you're drunk." He stated before walking out the door.

I stood there, staring at the door. What have I done? I'm... I'm a monster... I could hear PEI crying and so I turned to look at him. He stared up at me, terror written all over his face. He deserves better. They both do. He needs to be with Nova again, and BC would be much better off with them. I need to be alone. I can hardly take care of myself, I shouldn't be left to take care of children.

"I'm sorry Princey, I didn't mean to scare you." I softly said.

"I-It's ok." He shifted a bit.

~Time Skip~

I tucked Princey into bed before I went back downstairs. BC still hadn't come home, in all honesty I doubt he ever will again. He doesn't think of this place as home, his home is with the others.

I took out another bottle of alcohol and started drinking. This was all I had left. When I was drunk, I was happy, and that's a welcome change of pace. I don't remember the last time I felt happy without it. Those guys were right, this does solve my pain... I drank for a long time before I stumbled upstairs and passed out.


"I love you Newfie." She looked up at me with saddened eyes, I could see the tears forming in her eyes.


"Please don't kill her! Kill me instead!" I pleaded, of course they wouldn't hear any of it.


"Hurry up! We can make it the boat!" She yelled as we ran behind her.

"Newfie..." She coughed from behind me.


"NOOOOOO!!!" I fought against their grasp but it was no use.

It was to late.

She was... gone...


I jolted awake, quickly scanning the room. My breath was all out of sorts, my heart pounding against my chest, and tears streaming down my face. The PEI was still fast asleep, and BC was still no where to be seen.

I quietly stumbled down the stairs, trying to calm myself down. I know how to. I know how to make the memories stop. How to be happy. How to be "the fun brother". I can still be the fun brother. I still AM the fun brother. Right?

I grabbed a bottle. I didn't care what kind of alcohol it was right now, I just need something. I need to forget about... that... about... everything...

I quickly finished the bottle and moved on to another.
And another.
And another.


"Just because no one wants you doesn't mean you need to be a d*ck to everyone else!"

No one wants me...

"You know, I think I like you better when you're drunk."

I'm better drunk...


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