Scars and Injuries

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*Quick note! I'll only be saying province in this, but all of this also applies to territories and such, just for ease of writing I'm only saying province*

Scars! They're a touch complicated for them but I'll try to put it into words the best I can.

Almost all injuries will heal, and quiet quickly at that. The key words being almost all. There's a lot of things that effect wether or not an injury will heal or leave a scar.

The most common reason for an injury not healing is the trauma of the situation. If the situation that injured them is a simple they tripped and scrapped their knee then it'll heal quick and easy. But if it's something that had a major impact on the province then it won't heal, or at least not fully.

Sometimes if they accept and come to terms with what happened than it'll heal. But that doesn't happen very often.

An example of a time it did happen is if we look at Canada herself. For a while she had a scar over her eye, it finally healed when she came to terms with her feelings and what had happened. However on the flip side, America has a scar across his chest that still hasn't gone away, and likely never will because even though technically he's moved on he still holds a lot of anger and such to the event. Another example is Manitoba, his burns aren't ever going away. The event, and things surrounding that event, were so traumatizing for him that even if he comes to terms with it and truly moves on, the burns won't leave.

In the same lane, some parts of appearance can be the same way. As a kid Nunavut's hair was constantly cut, and it was really traumatizing for her, so now her hair grows really really slow.

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