As The World Burns Around Us

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The last episode of Empires, but slightly different. Pixl is still MIA. Katherine is outside when the cracks start. And fWhip doesn't manage to drag himself out of the rubble in time. Basically lots of death. And angst. Fun 😄
I also wanted to write dramatized versions of Scott and Pearl's endings.



A massive, smoking crater.

A demon freed from his prison.

The world was ending, and the inhabitants had no choice but to watch.

Joey was in tears. Shelby was clinging to him, trying to hold him steady.

"It's all gone. Gone. Everything. My people- oh, my people, they're gone, they're gone, everything's gone," he moaned softly, and Scott and Pearl exchanged looks.

"What happened?" Joel and Lizzie came charging out of the woods, running to meet their fellow rulers. Sausage and Katherine met them, their faces solemn.

"You guys felt that, right?" Lizzie asked, before looking around. "Where's my brother?!?" She took a step back, looking around worriedly, and Joel wrapped his arms around his wife.

"I'm sure he's fine," he soothed her. "It's Jimmy. The Codboy can take care of himself." Lizzie ignored him, instead spinning to face Scott.

"Do you know where he is?" She practically begged, and her face fell when Scott shook his head no.

"Gem isn't here either, maybe he's with her. They've always been allies, they're probably together." Pearl told the Ocean Queen, and Joel turned to Joey.

"What happened?" The Mezalean King asked.

"The Lost Empire... it's gone... destroyed... four of my dogs survived, and one parrot. Nothing else."

"Joey..." Shelby said softly, but he shook her off.

"No. What caused that? There were pieces, pieces that weren't from my empire. They looked- they looked almost like the roofs of the Grimlands." No one could answer him, and a heavy silence fell over the gathered rulers, only to be broken by the sound of footsteps.

"Jimmy?" Lizzie sprang to her feet.

"Why's he crying?" Scott asked, running to meet him. Jimmy was indeed crying, his tan face streaked with dust and blood and tears.

"fWhip- he- he's gone. Done. Bye-bye. That big bang? That was him. He blew up. Smithereens. He's gone. The Grimlands- they're gone." He was shaking, his voice breaking, and pretty much collapsed into Scott's arms. Gem pushed her way out of the jungle underbrush on the other side of the clearing, and Katherine ran to meet her, hugging the wizard tightly.

"What did you do?" Sausage asked fiercely, his eyes dark and worried.

"We were- we were trying to make a new Codfather helmet. We put cod and salmon in the reactor together, and it was too much. I think fWhip realized, because he told me to run. I did. Even then I barely made it out alive. fWhip was still inside, there's no way he would have made it. The whole place was completely obliterated." Joey sprang to his feet, knocking Shubble away.

"So you're to blame!" He snarled, grabbing his bow and nocking an arrow, pointing it at Jimmy's heart. "You're the reason my empire is destroyed!"

"Joey put the bow down," Shelby grabbed his arm.

"Joey, calm down!" Gem darted forward, as her little black dragon blew a small burst of purple fire.

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