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TW: It's a bit of a vent

I hate how everyone in this house gets mad at the smallest things

Says the person screaming at one child because a second didn't do her chores right

You're never going to get into college with grades like these!

It was two Cs in two difficult classes, not to mention the fact that they were my first Cs since sixth grade.

Stop staying up late because you think you're "cool"

I went to bed at ten

It's too far away

She lives not even ten minutes from here and she offered to drive me

I don't know their parents

You could have, but you refuse to go to any gatherings where you could meet them

I've never met her

You have, but you just don't care enough to pay attention or remember

I just want you to be safe!

There are going to be no less than six responsible adults there

You'll get home too late!

Because half the time you don't tell me about my curfew until ten minutes before, and the other half my curfew is seven

Stop acting like your grannie

That's what she told you, too. At least my grannie is only blunt and straightforward. Yours would throw one of her kids out of their chair at dinner if they backtalked her.

I don't want the boys there if you're going to be wearing a swimsuit.

I wear swim shorts and a rash guard. Both boys have girlfriends, who are also going to be there. They both see me as a sister. And I like girls.

You're not going. Why don't you just hang out at Jade's instead?

Because it's not fair to her. It's not fair to me, either, because I planned it, but it's even more not fair to her because she can go.

You're on Discord too much.

Maybe that's my safe space. Maybe the people there actually try to help. Unlike you.

You haven't gone to any of her games this season. We go to all of yours!

Has it ever occurred to you that you don't have to go to football games? We don't even really do anything. Competitions, on the other hand...

It's too far away, and your sister has a hockey game that day! Besides, you're performing during the day, instead of the evening like you normally do. And admission is ridiculous! Why should we pay so much to watch a six-minute performance we've seen dozens of times before?

Because it's the most important fucking competition of the year and the only one I wanted you to come to. The little bitch has a game? She has a shitton of extended family members who can take her. As for the six-minute show? You can stay longer than the time I'm on the field! Maybe I want to discuss my performance with you. Maybe I want to share my rookie year at the state-wide competition with my family!

Excuses, excuses, excuses. What if I don't want to hear them anymore?

Stop taking my stuff, stop making me miss meetups I plan. Stop trying to convince me not to take part in anything outside of school that you can't regulate. Stop threatening to keep me from doing things that make me happy because I'm not up to your standards.



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