Metal Detecting Zone "Propaganda"

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Hi! My attempt at propaganda for the Metal Detecting Zone channel. I mainly mentioned people in the small server, sorry if anyone's ooc.

In a beautiful world, home to so many of so many different species and backgrounds, great changes were happening.

The staff had ushered the residents out, sending them to a new, temporary world to stay in. Then they set to work.

Remodeling the mansion, purging any long-hibernating residents- Dakotah had taken charge of the eviction, although she had admitted he hadn't done too great of a job- any disgruntled accidental evictees were swiftly offered their rooms and places back- and expanding the grounds. Two new gathering places were to be added- and the people had rather strong opinions on what they wanted added.

"Octopus Tree," Haven declared. "Have you seen the pictures Axie showed us? It would be so cool!"

"It's just a tree, dear. There are other trees around. We live in a forest, for heaven's sake," Dakotah responded.

"I want to climb it," Bluejay added.

"Again. Plenty of trees." Dakotah had been steadily fixed on the idea of a "metal detecting place" since Axie had first suggested it, and their love had been cemented further when Axie had rattled off a quick description of the place, although she hadn't yet had time to go back to the previous world for pictures.

"I want a lake," Honesty said, staring off into the distance. "A big, beautiful body of water to watch the sun set over and see all of the wildlife that comes with it."

"You're an endercat, though," Kittey pointed out skeptically. "Water is like your archnemesis."

"I never said I wanted to swim in it."

"TREE FORT! TREE FORT! TREE FORT!" Coco, Sia, Pit, and Dracly marched across the lawn of the Extravagant Shack, holding signs with the words "We Want The Tree House" on them. Dakotah sighed and turned away, walking with a mission.

A mission that became apparent a few moments later as Dakotah rounded up some of the people who had yet to vote and sat them around a campfire with bribery marshmallows. Although he wasn't very good at identifying them, as Percy spotted Eztli, Void, and a pair of two less-known Abodians among the group. However, it'd managed to grab Luci and Jello, and all six were happily munching on s'mores as Dakotah rambled about how great it would be to have the metal detecting zone in the Abode.

The Magics had been dividing their time between the Abode renovations and the Extravagant Shack to form replicas of the possibilities for new areas. Currently, Percy, Kennedy, and Cyro were hanging around the Shack while Emannuel and the others directed renovations.

"Hey, Cyrooooo?" Ghosty asked, with an expression that could only be described as puppy dog eyes.

"What do you want?" Cyro asked with a sigh.

"Can I steal you for a little bit?"

"Sure." They followed Ghosty over to where they had gathered a few people.

"Can you show us the clearing please?" Rory asked politely. Cyro nodded and waved their hand dramatically, and the group was teleported to a moderate-sized white room, which quickly transformed into a lush clearing, surrounded by tall oak trees. The chatter of birdsong filled the air, and soft grass coated the ground. Ghosty proudly swept their hands around to show off the clearing. The group, which mainly consisted of the people who were pro-clearing, grinned and spread out, looking around the place they hoped would become a new Abode hangout.

"I'd like to remind you that this is not real," Cyro called as Zero tried to jump and catch a tree branch above them. Their hands passed through the branch, and it promptly fell, but Honesty grabbed its arm to keep them on its feet.

"Sorry," Zero said sheepishly. Cyro gave a long-suffering sigh. A little while later, Cyro teleported the group back and returned to the main area.

The vampire took one look at what was happening around the Shack before pulling out their communicator and dialing a familiar number.

"Switch with me," Cyro said immediately after Maia picked up.

"Do I want to?"

"The cat girl has free s'mores."

"I'm on my way."

When Maia arrived, she found a scene of moderate chaos, although not one to constitute action. It looked like a normal Abodian day. Maia quickly confiscated a lighter from Kennedy, put Pit in timeout for excessive violence against Jellies, gave a helplessly lost pair of Abodians directions to the cafeteria, then went to look for the free s'mores.

They found Dakotah standing at a campfire, with a group of seven people gathered around it, munching on s'mores.

"Jay. Jay, look. Nineteenth-century ruins. Do you know how much fun that could be?" Dakotah asked one human. The girl didn't answer, but Maia guessed she was more of a solitary type, especially if she wasn't well-known in the Abode. Anyone who even talked was known in the Abode.

"Yes, but you still haven't told me how that's better than a treehouse," Eztli said. Dakotah nodded knowingly. Maia sat down between Jello and Percy and popped a marshmallow on a stick to roast.

"Well, first, it doesn't have to be. Remember, there'll be two new places, so we could probably have both. However, we could make forts and dens out of the ruins. A bunch of little clubhouses! Wouldn't it be so fun to restore the ruins and make them all really cool hang-out places?"

"Sounds like a lot of work," the human girl from before said. Dakotah flashed the girl a side eye with joking malice.

"Also, imagine all the cool stuff we could find! We could have an event where everyone gets a magnet of some sort and we race and see who gets the best prize! Wouldn't that be really fun?" The other unknown Abodian nodded, her face thoughtful.

"Maia!" Dakotah seemed to notice their presence. "You can do the cool magic hologram thing, right?" Maia nodded, her mouth full of s'more.

"When you finish your s'more, can you show us the metal detecting zone?"

"I don't know what it looks like," Maia responded.

"Axie gave me a description, don't worry!" Dakotah said, and he quickly rattled off everything Axie had said. Maia finished their s'more and stood up.

"Gather 'round, everyone," she said. She raised her arms as everyone quickly scarfed down the last of their treats. Then they closed their eyes and visualized what Kotah had told them. The group was teleported to a Seeing Room, as Locke had dubbed it. Maia opened her eyes to Dakotah's delighted laughter.

"Look!" he trilled. They spun once in a circle, then she took off through the ruins. Everyone else scattered around as well.

"Okay, I kinda like this," Percy said, walking among the ruins. "Is this like an old town?"

"I think so," Maia said.

The room had transformed into a large, wooded area. Stone foundations and old walls surrounded the area, the remains of old buildings. Divots in the ground showed where old wells and cellars were, which some of the group seemed to find great pleasure in standing on since they looked like they were floating, because the divots didn't actually exist in the room. The ground was littered with fallen trees, leaves, vines, and ivy. Ivy also decorated the ruins, making little hidey-holes behind them.

"Okay, fine," Jay conceded. "It's okay." She grinned at Dakotah, who rolled her eyes lightheartedly. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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