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"What's up, Cedric?" Evangelina sat on the Hufflepuff table next to her best friend

He was startled by her after staring at Cho Chang. Evangelina looked at who her best friend was staring at. Her eyes widened looking at the pretty Asian Ravenclaw.

"You like..." Cedric covered her mouth before she can say anything.

"Yes, just don't tell anyone, Vangie," Cedric removed his hand from her mouth.

"Pinky promise," Evangelina pinky promised Cedric.

"Hey, how is the tutoring with Marcus Flint?" Cedric asked noticing him staring at Evangelina

"Nothing much, he is a good student. His herbology grades are getting better. Oh, and he stopped being a jerk to me," Evangelina responded clueless that the Slytherins are watching her.

"Really, anything else?" Cedric said noticing the Slytherin team looking at her and talking about her.

"Well, I did slap him for bullying little kids," Evangelina shrunk herself for slapping someone. She never thought she would ever hit anyone. But she did, she slapped Marcus Flint.

Cedric's eyes widened as other Hufflepuff heard and looked shocked at her. No one would ever imagine the purest Hufflepuff would ever hit anyone.

Evangelical Sinclair is the Hufflepuff Angel, the sweet and innocent girl. She is clueless about relationships, is shy and quiet, has never badmouthed anyone, is not judgmental, and is always an honest and a terrible liar.

"I didn't mean to hit him. Well, maybe I did. But I had to stop him from bullying the small Gryffindors," Evangelina said referring to the small golden trio.

At that moment, the Gryffindor team stared at the pure Hufflepuff girl. They all talked about her after the Golden Trio told them what Evangelina did. Hearing what Evangelina did catch the attention of Oliver Wood.

Cedric notice that not only the Slytherin Captain was staring at her but also the Gryffindor Captain. Cedric knew the two captains have fallen for the Hufflepuff girl.

Both Captains stared at the innocent and clueless Hufflepuff. The heart for Evangelina was a part of the rivalry between Oliver Wood and Marcus Flint.
"Angel, will you go out with me?" Marcus asked the beautiful brown-haired girl wearing a Hufflepuff outfit

"Me?" She pointed to herself. Evangelina couldn't believe that Marcus Flint is asking her out.

"There is no other Angel," Marcus said feeling nervous for not instantly replying. He begins to panic a she remains quiet in thought.

"Do you not want me?" Marcus begins to worry that Evangelina doesn't feel the same

"Not, it's not that. I like you. A lot. It's just I thought you wouldn't like someone like me. You seem more into people like Sabrina Bulock," Evangelina never thought of herself attracting the Slytherin Chaser. She is an unpopular girl, but the kindest Hufflepuff.

"Trust me, Angel. You are better than girls like Sabrina Bulock. You mean a lot to me. Now, you said you like me. I like you too. Can you be mine?" Marcus said holding her adorable face.

Evangelical nodded before looking into his dark eyes," Yes, I am yours," Evangelina answered happily. She has wished to become his girlfriend.

Marcus picked her small Evangelina and kissed her. The couple kissed passionately in the Quidditch field.
⚠️ Warning: Rape scene ⚠️

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" Screams of someone crying in pain

"P-Please S-Stop," someone cried begging for mercy.

Her neck was bitten, "You taste delicious my sweet Angel. And you are MINE" his dark deep voice said savoring her blood. The black hair girl cried in fear.

"Please let me go," she cried as this monster wouldn't stop touching her. The man on top of her didn't listen to her.

"Just a bit more, my Angel. You will join my world," he said to her trying to soothe her.

All the girl could do is lay there. She tried to push him away. She is too weak compared to his strength. He was on top of her muttering words and biting her neck. His hand touched her breast and his other hand touched her thigh.


"Marcus!!! Please...Stop!" She begged as she couldn't see his face properly in the forbidden forest. It was night as hell was far from hearing her. All she can remember was the dark hair and the deep scary voice.

He chuckled," No one is going to help you," he said before licking her neck.

"HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP ME!" She yelled trying to loosen the grip and hit the person. The person felt muscular as she tried to push off her.

"It's pointless Angel. Your mine. If you want to scream. I will gladly make you scream more," he said before taking out a dagger

"NO!!!" she struggles to free herself from him. He kissed her neck having a deep desire for her. She managed to slap him but he slapped her hard.

"Don't do that! You are making it harder, Angel. I don't want to hurt you," the psycho said. She pleas him to stop.

He ignored her pleas and pressed the dagger between her breast. He drew a particular death symbol on her exposed chest. Evangelina whimpered in pain feeling the cold dagger on her skin.

Tears stream down wanting to wake up from this nightmare. Next, without warning, he pressed himself inside her. She kept her mouth shut not to scream. She tried resisting the pain as her body wasn't used to it.

"You are so quiet, my sweet angel. Now, scream my Angel. Sing for me," he pressed himself harder onto her.

Evangelina yelped in pain. Her body wasn't used to this. She continued to scream and cry in pain. She could taste her blood as she screamed.

She heard her rapist moan and groaned the sickening pleasure, she felt. She felt disgusted as he laid his hands on her. She felt disgusted as he licked her blood pouring from her the cut. She felt disgusted as he kissed her tasting the blood in her mouth.

The attacker mutter some words. Evangelina didn't understand what he was saying. All she guess was his words of pleasure as she felt sick hearing them.

"My angel, you will one day understand why this happening. Because you are special, Evangelina. When I first lay eyes on you. I knew you'd be mine forever," he kissed her breast as he kept moving inside her.

Evangelina felt weak. Cold. Her blood became dry. Her eyes focus on the stars. Tears stream down her cheek as she stopped screaming. But within this coldness her heart became cold. No longer warm.
Author's Note

This is a short piece of information about Evangelina Sinclair. It's a tragic and a mystery what happened to the Hufflepuff Angel

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