Chapter 2

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⚜️⚜️⚜️Harmonia POV⚜️⚜️⚜️

I arrive at the magical world, I noticed some things have changed in Diagon Alley. A couple of new shops and a crowd filled the streets and inside the shops. People seemed more lively and less frightened, especially inside that new joke shop. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

I guess there is nothing for humans to fear. Voldemort is dead. No death eaters roaming around free. No war for them to worry about. They are just living their daily lives until they die for us Soul Reapers to collect.

I notice the weird faces I am getting, I guess the humans are trying to figure out who or what I am. I heard some people critique the way I look, not the way I dress, but my skin and hair color being so light. Yes, I am different, I am dead.

Humans have a hard time accepting the word different making them seem evil and weird. But I don't give a shit what they think of me. I am dead and I serve the Soul Reaper Society to hunt and collect souls. My soulless life lives only for that purpose until Death relieves our duties as Soul Reapers.

Shit, I am lost. I forgot where the Leaky Cauldron is. It's been years since I came to Diagon alley.

To my luck, I heard a group of well-dressed boys saying they were going to the Leaky Cauldron. I decided to follow them. They never notice that I was following them as they lead me straight to the pub.

"Hey Cassius, does Flint know we are here?" one of the boys asked one of the guys

"Do not worry, Flint is here. He knows I am here. But not you guys. But you guys will surprise him," the boy replied back

"If he isn't here, Cassius, that means you wasted my time. I would be fucking some girl right now," another one crossed his arms

"You mean your mom?" one of them joked as the rest laughed

"Hey, she got sick, she needed me. I am glad she is better now or else I wouldn't be here with you lots," the mommy issues boy said

One of them opened the door for the rest, and they were all about to enter," Ladies First," the boy holding the door said making them all not move.

Ugh! I don't have the fucking patients for this. I slip my way through the group," Excuse me, ladies," I said slipping passed them.

"Hey, you white-haired chick, you can't just walk passed us?" one of them said with an attitude.

I didn't have time for this," I just did," I said without looking back and walked inside the pub.

It was a bit crowded but I managed to find Vangelis or should I say, Vincent. Vincent is his real name, he uses it when he is not Vangelis in public. While I prefer the name, Harmonia. I hate being called my human name. It angers me when someone calls me my human name. It brings back bad memories of my past.

I approach Vincent flirting with a middle age woman. I can tell she is an engaged woman seeing a diamond engagement ring on her finger touching Vincent's chest. I can tell this woman is a gold digger by the expensive clothes and jewelry she is wearing. Her bag is a luxury bag, not to mention the way she dresses to grab attention.

Vincent notice my arrival," Ah! You finally arrived," Vincent gave an innocent smile. "Who is she?" the beautiful brown skin woman looked at me weirdly.

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