Part 11

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⚜️⚜️⚜️Evangelina POV ⚜️⚜️⚜️

"I don't know what happened. He randomly came back with a grinning face," Adrian talked about Marcus' oddly behavior from two nights ago.

"F—Flint?" Evangelina tried not to be suspicious. Just mentioning him got her flustered.

"Yes. He even told Sabrina Bulock that he was no longer interested in her. He told her he found someone better. You can imagine how pissed she was," Adrian continued to talk. Someone better? Does Marcus... no way... it can't be...

"Hey, Eve? Am I doing it right?" Adrian asked about his project in growing a dittany.

"Oh," I checked on his planting methods and paper report. "Everything good!" I gave him a thumbs up.

He gave me a confused expression. "Eve, everything ok?" Adrian had noticed me acting a bit off.

"Yeah, I was just thinking how strange Marcus is behaving. I wonder who is the girl he likes is," I tried not to make myself obvious. No one can do any amount of kissing at the astronomy tower.

"Hmm...," Adrian began to quietly study me.

"What?" I gave him a questioning look. I hope I am not that obvious in being nervous.

"Nothing, I thought if you would possibly be the girl. But I realize you probably wouldn't stay out late. Much less alone," Adrian explained he was suspicious of me. I relaxed hearing that I was out of his investigation.

Just then, Cedric found us in the empty greenhouse. "Hey! What time did you return last night? We had a trivia party in the common room," Cedric asked.

"I told you Cedric I returned midnight from the Astronomy Tower," I answered without realizing my mistake.

My eyes bulge wide. Cedric!!! You knew! You tricky badger. You overheard us. Cedric smiled innocently before laughing. He knows exactly the time I returned to my dorm. He is the coolest friend to wait for me before he sleeps.

Now, Adrian Pucey looks completely dumbfounded. I can tell he is putting two and two together. Oh no... he knows...

That facial expression, HE KNOWS!!!

"Y–YoU!" Adrian pointed at me.

"Me?" I pointed at myself. I have to pretend to be confused.

"You were with him?" Adrian accused.

"No, I wasn't," I tried denying it. But lying is hard.

"Eve, your eyes are shaking," Cedric, not helping.

"You said Astronomy Tower, Flint told me that night he was there. Now spill, what happened? If he did something bad to you, I won't forgive him." There was no way to cover this up. Adrian knows I was with Marcus last night. But I am surprise he hasn't told anyone about our kiss.

I looked at Cedric, who stopped laughing. He gave me an expression of you tell him or I will. I sighed before explaining everything that happened last night in the Astronomy Tower.

This left Adrian to step back and nearly drop his plant pot. Luckily, Cedric was close by to catch it.

"YOU AND FLINT!!!" Adrian screamed. I quickly covered his mouth, "Hush!" I blushed hard for him screaming. I am so glad no is around. Or else the entire school will erupt in the scandal.

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