Part 1

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You fought back tears and choked back a sob as you patted the freshly turned mound of earth in front of you. You pressed the bundle in your arms a little tighter against your chest. How had it all gone so wrong?

A year ago, you and your boyfriend Daniel were so happy, a new illusion peeking into your lives, in the form of little heartbeats inside you. He had even proposed to you the moment he found out you were pregnant and you planned to have the wedding after the baby was born.

And then the surprise came when not one, but two little lives came out of you, so small, so fragile and beautiful. Daniel almost fainted, but the joy of having twins got the better of him. It was tiring getting up in the middle of the night every time one of the babies cried, knowing that if one started, the other would quickly follow.

Daniel would get upset when it happened because he had to get up early the next day, so you tried to calm the babies as soon as possible. But still, it was worth it, because they were your greatest treasure.

Eliza, your beautiful girl, had inherited Daniel's tan skin and his black hair, but she had your eyes and your smile. Aharhel, your little boy, on the other hand, was your spitting image. You loved them so much. Often when your brother Karim came to visit, he would find you in your rocking chair, lulling your little miracles close to your chest. He would always smile and comment on how good motherhood looked on you.

"Look, Karim, how small their hands and feet are" you would say

And your brother would laugh, agreeing with you. How could you not love those little lives that had come out of you? You had held them, fed them, cared for them, and kissed them. There was nothing you wouldn't do for them.

And then the night came when they were 3 months old.

You woke up to Eliza crying in the middle of the night. Daniel just complained, but you worried. Your baby had never cried like that, she sounded hurt, terrified. You ran as fast as you could to the twins' room and took her in her arms. You must have been suspicious when Aharhel didn't wake up to his sister's cries.

But you were too busy with Eliza. By the time you noticed the lack of sound, it was too late. Your little angel was cold and his little face was blue. He had left.

Your piercing scream woke up Daniel, who went to see what was happening, annoyed at not being able to rest. However, when he saw the situation, he fell to his knees and cried with you and your daughter. He ran for help, but no one could do anything, not even the town's healing prodigy, Alma Madrigal's eldest daughter. Aharhel would never open his little eyes again.

If you had known, you would have hugged him tighter, you would have given him millions more kisses. You would have sung him more, you would have given him better. But how were you supposed to know? How does a mother prepare for a part of her soul to be ripped out? There were no words for the pain you felt. Eliza would never meet her brother, you would never see your child grow up. Your only consolation was that he had gone in peace, without pain. Sleeping.

But you had been the only one who had found some comfort in that. Daniel became more aggressive with the pain. He spoke to you sharply and coldly, he blamed you for what happened, for not taking care of his son. He even hit you and told you that it must have been Eliza the one to die, because she was a girl, instead of his little boy. If it wasn't for Karim who arrived on time, maybe you and your daughter would have died too.

Daniel left town the next day. He broke your heart and even though you were furious at his suggestion that your girl should have died, a part of you couldn't help but think that maybe he was right. Maybe it had been your fault.

Fear and uncertainty filled your heart. What were you going to do? How would you maintain your daughter? You needed Daniel, you weren't going to make it without him. It was Karim who opened your eyes and made you see that no, you didn't need that monster in your life. He was there for you and he would help you.

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