Part 2

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The following minutes were devastating for Julieta. The woman was still in shock, clinging to the lifeless body of her husband when she realized that her youngest daughter was nowhere in sight. Her heart, already broken, skipped a beat.

"Mirabel?" she called her "Mirabel!"

She got up quickly, reluctantly leaving Agustín's body on the ground. She looked frantically around her. Please, she couldn't lose her too, her heart wouldn't take it.


The rest of the family moved quickly, Isabela and Luisa running to their mother, Dolores and Camilo looking around to see if they could spot their cousin. But she wasn't there.

You watched with rage and pain as most of the town's people slowly walked away. Some muttering things about how it was better to leave them alone and not get into family trouble. You couldn't believe such apathy! They had just lost a family member in a tragic way a few minutes ago and now a little girl was missing, and no one was planning to do anything?! After everything the Madrigals had done for the entire town, they were just going to turn their backs on them?! Not on your watch.

You approached the broken family with firm steps, trying to avoid looking at Agustín's still very present corpse, and you walked up to the desperate mother and sisters.

"I'll look for her in the woods, near the river" you said firmly.

You hoped your words would be taken as an offer to help and not an intrusion. Fortunately, Julieta looked at you gratefully and your voice seemed to awaken something in the few people present. The family quickly organized into pairs and a few villagers joined the search.

You went quickly to your house to tell your brother what had happened. He offered to go with you and you wrapped Eliza in a rebozo that you threw behind your back and went out with a light in hand to look for Mirabel.

You prayed that the girl was okay and would come back soon.

You didn't wish the pain of losing a child on anyone. Much less someone who had just lost her husband as well.


Julieta felt her world falling apart as she screamed the name of her youngest daughter. Her brain was unable to catch up with everything that had happened.

It had been a normal day. And then suddenly everything had been falling apart. Bruno's prophecy, the cracks, mom yelling at Mirabel, the candle, the house falling. Agustín shouting their daughter's name. Agustín, cold and stiff in her arms. Mirabel missing.

Why was all this happening?! What had she done wrong to deserve so many punishments?

"Please let her be okay. Let her come back to me" she prayed, to whoever wanted to hear her.

She heard her family shouting Mirabel's name and in the distance, she could see a couple, the woman was carrying a baby on her back and the man was holding a lamp. She recognized you.

And for a brief moment, she allowed herself to feel a little hope. She would always be grateful to you for stepping up. If you hadn't, she would probably still be in shock, helpless to do anything for her daughter.

Whoever you were, you were an angel to her. A light in the midst of the darkness that wanted to consume her.


It had been dawn for several hours and you had found nothing. You breathed a sigh of relief when the church bells rang, indicating that Mirabel had been found.

"Thank you, for returning a daughter to her mother" you thought.

Karim and you headed to the ruins of the Madrigal house, to make sure the girl was okay. You knew that the unfortunate family still had a lot to deal with, homeless and with death in tow. But you would see where you could help, and at least the girl's return was a step in a brighter direction.

Por amor al arte (Julieta x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now