Part 6

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You sighed as you lay down on the bed. Your feet hurt, your legs were cramping, and your back was killing you. You had spent half the morning in the workshop, making the orders you had and around noon Karim, having finished his day, had gone for Eliza, so you decided to go help with the reconstruction of the Madrigal house.

Things were moving fast and although it hurt a little to know that they might be leaving soon, you were happy for them. You worked almost all day with Luisa, helping her lift rocks that were too heavy. Poor girl, the lack of her gift and the loss of her father had really taken its toll on her. If you were honest, most of her work had been done by you while you allowed her to cry and vent to you.

In the end, Isabela had taken her sister to eat something while Alma thanked you for your help. It had been a good day. But god, you were exhausted.

"Y/N? Are you ok?"

You didn't even move or try to look at the guest. You knew that voice perfectly well, so you only gave a thumbs-up before your arm slumped back to your side. You heard Julieta sigh and her footsteps approaching you, a few seconds later, you felt her sit next to you on the mat. You turned your head slightly so you could look at the woman through your strands of hair. She looked worried.

"Julieta, I'm fine, really" you murmured but she didn't seem to believe you.

Without warning, the older woman lightly pressed her hand to your right shoulder blade, making you hiss in pain.

"Mhmm, so everything's alright huh?"

You heard the slight teasing tone in her voice, which made you blush slightly, though you weren't entirely sure why, it wasn't the first time she'd touched your back, on several occasions she'd had to push you slightly while cooking together. And it definitely wasn't the first time she'd teased you.

"Okay, do you want some advice?" you asked "Never carry rocks that are bigger than your body"


"If it doesn't fit in your hand, don't pick it up, Juli"

Julieta froze for a moment. You've never called her that before, and for some reason, it sent a pang of emotion through her gut. Sure, her family called her that all the time, but it sounded especially cute coming from you.

"You were helping in the reconstruction" It wasn't a question, but you still nodded "You've already done so much for us, Y/N" she scolded you lightly

"I can do more" you murmured

The brunette's heart warmed. You looked totally worn out, tired, and yet you were willing to keep doing things for them, even when you had your own burdens and problems. She didn't know what they had done to deserve you, but you were definitely an angel in their lives. She was surprised when her hands began to move, kneading the knots in your back, but she did nothing to stop them. Besides, the soft sigh of relief you let out told her it was what you needed.

"I have no doubt about it, my dear, but perhaps you should rest"

"I'm not going to give you my turn to cook dinner, Julieta" you joked lightly "Just give me five minutes and I'll be as good as new"

"Too bad, I thought I was being convincing enough" she laughed

You bit down on your lower lip to stifle a moan as one of her hands moved to your lower back. The heat she radiated was contagious and soon you felt your whole body heat up. You had to remind yourself that she was just being nice to you.

Julieta was thankful that you kept your head hidden in the pillow, that way you couldn't see the deep blush she had, or the look of longing in her eyes. Her head didn't seem to register the same as her heart, so she didn't understand what was going on, she just knew there was a strange force drawing her to you. Maybe it was because you had been the only thing she could hold on to for the past month and a half and she was already starting to think of you as a true friend, despite the huge age difference between you.

Por amor al arte (Julieta x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now