Part 13

881 45 9

song: hoy tengo que decirte papá


You took a deep breath as you walked carefully through the cemetery, carrying a bouquet of daisies. You were always filled with a strange peace when you came here as if the souls of the departed were greeting you on the way to the cold cradle of your child.

You weren't always alone, there were often a few other people visiting their dead. You just didn't expect to see her. You didn't know if you should interfere, not wanting to interrupt her moment with Agustín, but from the way her hands dug into the dirt and the heartbreaking movement of her shoulders as she cried, you knew you should at least let her know you were there, just in case she needed something.

"Luisa?" you said, approaching slowly.

The young woman froze for a moment before turning her head slightly to look at you out of the corner of her eye. You could see how she was trying to wipe her tears away, but her hands were dirty and she only managed to stain her face. You tried not to wince too much at the frustrated moan she let out.

"Here" you told her, offering her a handkerchief

"T-thank you"

You nodded and squeezed her shoulder lightly before taking one of the daisies and threading it through her braid.

"I'll be over there if you need anything, sweetheart" you smiled at her and walked away.

Luisa sipped a little and followed you with her eyes. She was confused. She didn't use to come to visit her father's grave because she didn't want anyone to see her like that. It was true that there weren't many people who took advantage of her gift anymore, but that didn't mean that her image of a strong woman who endured everything had dissipated. Even when she accompanied her sisters or her mother, she would always remain silent, holding back her tears.

The first (and only) time she had come alone to cry, a few people had come up to her. Some looked at her with pity and others as if she was being dramatic. She hated that they made her feel bad about missing her father as if she should be over it by now. That's why she hadn't come back until that moment when she couldn't stand the sadness anymore.

She had been thankful that the place was half empty and she didn't think much of it as she fell to her knees and let her tears flow freely. But she didn't expect you to find her. Since that conversation with Dolores about her mother's new feelings for you, Luisa had run away from you a bit. It wasn't that she didn't like you or anything like that, it was just that it was difficult for her to fight with so many feelings inside her.

On the one hand, she wanted mom to be happy, she wanted her to smile again like she used to. But it was too painful to think of someone else hugging and kissing her that wasn't her father. She forced herself to remember Isabela's words: "just because she loves someone else doesn't mean she's going to replace dad" she had said "her heart is big enough to love us all" her sister had promised.

And she didn't doubt it, but her real concern was something else: if they managed to get you together...would you love them as Agustín had? You were a wonderful mother to Eliza and you got along very well with Isabela, but what about Mirabel and her? Would you love them too? She was afraid to think that the answer was no.

And yet, here you were, offering her the chance to come to you if she needed anything, but without pressuring her. You had not seen her with pity or annoyance, but with understanding and compassion. You had even given her one of the flowers that she now saw were for your son. And you offered her the option to approach you if she wanted to.

Luisa didn't know when her mind made the decision, but she stood up and slowly walked towards you. She didn't know if you had really meant it or if you were just being nice, but looking at her father's grave had suddenly become more difficult and she realized that she didn't want to be alone.

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