Part 9

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"I'm not going to see my daughter again, am I?" you asked the woman next to you

Julieta looked up from her place on the stove and followed your gaze. She smiled at the image of Pepa holding Eliza while Antonio made faces at her and Camilo shapeshifted in front of her. The baby laughed loudly, which caused her sister to have a huge rainbow over her head.

It was beautiful to see her family enjoying their gifts again.

Just two days ago they had finished rebuilding Casita and her precious Mirabel had restored the miracle. Everyone had been a little overwhelmed to get their gifts back so suddenly (especially Dolores, the poor girl was balled up on the floor like the day she received it. Good thing you were quick to act and you and Karim pulled her out from there quickly), but after a few minutes, they had burst into happiness. Nobody even knew that it could be possible to have so many climates in a single day and in so few minutes.

It was a real talent show and it wasn't over once they got back to your house for the last night. Isabela, who had spent the last month learning about plants with you, had immediately grown your favorite flowers and decorated the entire house with them (the nursery was especially beautiful). Her oldest daughter stopped after a while, embarrassed for letting herself go like that without asking and offering to take them off, but you had just laughed and told her how wonderful they were, hugging her tightly. Julieta would never forget the happiness on Isabela's face when you allowed her to decorate your workshop.

They were all happy. However, when it dawned on them that moving back meant leaving you and your little family that had helped them so much, the emotions turned a little grayer. No one said it out loud, but everyone had come to consider you a part of the family and would miss you.

And so "one last night" had turned into three and then a week. You were surprised when Alma offered you a place in the new Madrigal house (everyone was still having a hard time getting used to this new warmer and kinder Alma) and although she knew you probably wouldn't accept, a part of Julieta had hoped you would.

It was an open secret that the brunette was the one who probably suffered the most from this separation. You had become the reason she got up with a smile and went to bed with a peaceful soul. She didn't like to think about it too much (it felt like a kind of betrayal of Agustín's memory), but she couldn't deny the warmth that filled her body whenever you were around or the slight butterflies in her stomach when she heard you laugh. She had made you promise to visit them often, a promise the rest of the Madrigals were ready to force you to keep.

"I'll take pictures of her and let you know what her first word was and when she starts walking" Julieta told you, still looking at her sister playing with Eliza.

"Well, at least you know which foods she likes and which she doesn't."

"No cucumber or beets and extra carrot" the brunette nodded solemnly.

"She will be in good hands"

You two looked at each other for a moment before bursting into soft laughter. She loved these moments of freedom when you unconsciously leaned closer to her and your scent flooded her senses. Maybe she was selfish, but on this last morning together, she had refused to part with you and was firm about helping you to cook. You didn't seem to have many complaints.

"I'm going to miss you" she murmured, looking into your eyes

"You're not moving out of Encanto" you told her, ignoring the way your pulse quickened. "Besides, bold of you to assume I'm not going to steal you every time Eli gets mad. You became her favorite pillow, now you have to live with it"

Julieta laughed, loving the way your cheeks flushed slightly. Did you have to be so damn cute? It would definitely be hard to leave you.

"I have no complaints" she told you

Por amor al arte (Julieta x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now