Chapter 3 - Part 2

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Two hours later, Jennie felt numb.

She was suspended from the college. Her scholarship was gone. And all of her savings were gone too. Her dream of becoming a doctor looked impossible.

She tried to motivate herself with some encouraging words.

Remember you are doing this for your mother. It was your mother's dream, and it eventually became yours to become a doctor. She wanted you to help people like her who couldn't afford expensive treatment and had to die leaving a grieving daughter and husband.

Yes, she could not give up on her dream despite the severe setback.

She returned home with the money, and when she saw the door to her apartment left wide open, she was worried and scared. She rushed inside, thinking the goons must have gotten her father.

Her father was safe and was seated on his bed with no new injuries. But what shocked her was the presence of another person. Kris.

"Hello, Jennie."

"What are you doing in my home?" She tried to maintain a calm tone, but she was too shaken by the events of that day.

Kris smiled. It made her skin crawl. "I came to collect the amount your father owes me."

"He gambled with you?"

"No. But I paid off the loan shark and took the bond. So your father owes me the money now."

Taking a deep breath and with slightly shaking hands, she extended the bag in her hands towards him. "Here is the money. Count it. I'm falling short by some amount which I'll pay in a few weeks."

Kris didn't take the money and was watching her like a hawk. "I want it all at the same time. And I'll charge interest for each day of delay."

"You know very well we can't afford to pay you the interest."

He shrugged. "And you know very well how you can stop all of this."

She fell quiet.

Kris got up from the chair. "I'll give you some time to think this over. But as soon as the month is over, I'll begin charging interest." He looked at her father.

"It's been nice talking to you, Sir. You have a beautiful daughter who is quite intelligent. Hope she makes a smart decision soon."

Her father didn't reply. He only responded with a small nod.

As soon as Kris stepped out of her home, she shut the door and leaned against it with closed eyes. She felt tired, exhausted and cornered.

"You should consider his proposal, Jennie."

Jennie opened her eyes in shock. "What?"

"It's not like your dancing is a respectable choice over marrying him."

Listening to her father's words, something snapped insider her.

"How can you say that, Papa! Dancing is much more respectable than marrying that man!" she shouted. "In fact, I'd rather become a prostitute than marry that bloody low-life!"

Her father flinched at her words. But she didn't care. She went to him and placed the bag containing her savings into his hands. "Take it all and do what you want with it. I'll send you the remaining amount later."

When she turned away and went to the door, "Where are you going?" her father asked.

"I don't know." She didn't care either. She just had to get away from the place before she burst into pieces.

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