Chapter 9 - Part 2

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That night she was agitated while she spoke to Krystal on the phone.

"I can't, Krystal. I tried. But... but he's not willing to spend time with me." Jennie couldn't tell Krystal about everything that transpired with the beast that afternoon.

"I told my father these same things, Jennie. But he isn't willing to listen. He asked me to keep on trying or else..." The other woman began crying softly.

Jennie was frustrated. Everything was beyond ridiculous and also shameful. How could a father, a rich, royal one at that, try to prostitute his only daughter? Not only Krystal's parents, but even the other royal women who had come with a similar purpose, had ambitions to capture the title. What was so great about having Kim added to their names?

"Please, Jennie. Spend time with him."

"Okay. I will." Jennie agreed, but she had no intention of following through.

That night, Jennie came up with a plan. During the day, after her walk, she would spend her time with the staff. She would make up stories about how the beast and she had spent time together in the library, talking about books and many things that they had in common.

It was deceitful. But what other choice did she have?

There was no way she would willingly spend time with the beast.

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