Chapter 8 - Part 2

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Jennie breathed through her mouth as she wheeled the breakfast cart towards the gym where she heard the familiar sounds of punching.

Suddenly, he stopped punching and held the heavy swinging bag still. "What the hell are you doing here again?" he asked without turning.

How had he known it was her? "I... brought your breakfast."

When he turned back, she didn't see any surprise on his face, just general crankiness. He looked annoyed. She braced herself to hear him lash out at her, but he kept quiet.

Holding the glass in his hand, he walked past her and out of the gym area and into the corridor.

Feeling a bit cranky herself due to lack of sleep and also by his behavior, she gritted her teeth and followed him with the breakfast cart into another door which must be the master suite.

 Large mirrors with antique frames adorned the walls. It was intriguing that he had so many mirrors.
Was he such a narcissist?

No. With his scars, he would want to avoid looking into mirrors. Then why was he surrounding himself with them? Was he punishing himself?

She wondered once again what had happened in the past for him to be scarred. She had noticed enough to determine that they were burn scars. How did he get them? And why did he live like a recluse when he was obviously rich and people would bow down to a rich royal regardless of his scars?

"Why are you still here?" he demanded.

Clenching her teeth again at his rude tone, she pasted a small smile on her face. "I thought I could keep you company during breakfast. It's been a week, and I really haven't spent much time with you."

He raised his eyebrow. "What are you waiting for? Bring the breakfast."

Cursing him inside her head with every curse word she knew, she pushed the breakfast cart to the table. When he sat still, not bothering to help, she grit her teeth and placed the dishes on the table. She glared at the top of his thick, shiny hair as he looked into his phone.

Arrogant, rude, entitled beast! Regardless of his wealth and royal title, who would ever want to marry such a man? She extended her hands towards him and made strangling gestures wanting to choke him.

"I'm not blind."

She was shocked and embarrassed when she met his eyes in the huge mirror on the wall next to them. She clenched her teeth and cursed him again as she served breakfast onto the beast's plate.

"Are you joining me?" he asked in a tone as though he preferred if she didn't.

She ignored his rudeness, and she was damn hungry. So she sat opposite to him before serving food onto her plate.

There was an uncomfortable silence as they ate breakfast. It was uncomfortable only for her because he was eating quite heartily while busily looking at the screen of his phone.

Unable to take in the heavy silence anymore, she spoke. "So what work kind of work do you do?" she asked.

The scarred eyebrow rose once again. "You don't know what I do, and yet you are here, wanting to marry me?"
"Your family... uh... owns many properties across the country and some in the world."

"So I sit around idly spending money that my ancestors had earned over the centuries?"

That's exactly what she thought he did. What was his bloody problem? She didn't want to prolong the uncomfortable topic. So, she changed it quickly to something else.

"How did you get those scars? They appear to be from a fire accident."

Immediately, the atmosphere in the room changed and became tense. She saw his face turning harsh. She braced herself for yet another display of his temper, but he didn't say anything even though his expression turned scarier by the second.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be intrusive. I just asked because—"

"Leave," he said coldly.

Sucking in a deep breath at his rude order, she got up. She was about to clear the dishes to take back the breakfast cart when he glared at her. Clenching her teeth, she left without the breakfast cart.

"Beast," she muttered outside his suite, even as she felt slightly guilty inside.

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