A fun date

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This is a tad bit longer than most chapters and I apologize for that, I think it's a good set up tbh :)

I hope you guys enjoy!


You wake up in Baji's arms. Your breathing hitches as you see the sight in front of you. You slowly move your hand forward to caress his face, but as you do Baji opens his eyes and grins at you. "Well good morning Princess." Your face becomes a dark red, as you realize the state you and Baji are still in. "G-good morning." You stutter out before burying your face in Baji's chest. He wraps his arms around you as he groans out, "I wish I could stay here all day, but I have to go Princess."

He kisses your head and hugs you tight once more as he says, "But I didn't want to leave without seeing that pretty little face of yours." He pulls away, as you smile at him devilishly, "So sweet for someone who claims to not care about me." Baji chuckles as he grabs you by your chin and says, "I'm already late Princess, I don't have time to teach you otherwise." He smashes his lips on yours, kissing you for a couple of minutes before he pulls away and says, "Don't forget what I told you last night."

Baji pulls away and gets up, grabbing his clothes to get dressed. You stay in bed, but cuddle the pillow that is now filled with Baji's scent. You admire Baji as he gets dressed, "I can feel you staring Princess." You chuckle as you say, "Can you blame me love?" Baji, who is almost fully dressed, sits on the bed as he admires you. "You can't blame me though. You are absolutely a piece of art." He leans down to kiss you softly.

As he pulls away, you jokingly say, "You could join me for a shower." Baji halts as he looks at you with a devilish grin across his face. Before he can respond, you say "I'm joking! I know you have to go." You sit up as Baji's smile grows wider. "So, there is such a thing as two pretty best friends." Red flushes to your face, as you grab the blanket and cover yourself. Baji chuckles and says. "I'll see you later Princess." With that, Baji walks out of your room, and leaves.


         [A Week Later]

You and Emma are lazily sprawled on your bed. It is now August 2nd, a day before Toman is set to fight Moebius. "(Y/n)?" Emma looks at you as you respond, "Yeah? What's up?" You look away from your phone, as Emma continues, "What are you doing tomorrow?" You frown as you say, "Are you trying to convince me to fight Moebius?" Emma chuckles as she says, "No, no, I respect your choice, but I wanted to invite you to join me, Draken, and some of our friends tomorrow! We're going to the Musashi festival!"

A look of confusion crosses your face, "Wait, Draken's not fighting tomorrow?" Emma frowns as she says, "Of course he is! He's just gonna spend some time with me before he does." A blush appears on her face, as you smile at her, a hint of excitement heard in your voice as you ask, "So this is a date?!" Emma's blush gets deeper, as she gets shy and says, "I-it's not l-like that! H-he just... I-idk maybe?" You let out a laugh as you smile at her. "Seeing her so nervous over a boy is cute."

"So I'm not a 3rd wheel, but a 5th wheel?" You ask, still smiling at her. Emma in turn shoots you a smile "You know you could bring a date. Maybe Mitsuya? Or Baji?" It's now your turn to blush, as you think about possibly asking them out. "I-I could never.." You instinctively hold on to Mitsuya's chain. Emma had noticed you did this a lot when you got shy or nervous. "It was just a thought, but I won't tell you what to do. Just think about it!" You continue to blush as you hold his chain.

"Hey Emma?" She looks over at you with a warm smile, "Yes?" You smile back at her, "My brother has been bugging me about meeting you, and I was wondering when would be the best time for it?" You see the excitement on Emma's face as she says, "Wait, really?! I finally get to meet the infamous Cameron?!" You start to laugh as you say, "Please don't tell him things like that, he already has a big head as is." Emma chuckles, "Alright, alright I won't. But how about sometime next week?" "That actually sounds perfect." You smile at her, as you pull out your phone and text him.

Uncertain (Baji x Reader x Mitsuya)Where stories live. Discover now